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supposedly the “bottom” of heaven. As the novel goes on, we see a more of this white manipulation of the African-American community, but becoming more and more sly. By the end of the book, it’s clear that whites have been systematically denying blacks in the Bottom their health care...
Online Appendix The New Deal, Race, and Home Ownership in the 1920s and The appendix offers more detail on the construction of the dataset, the calculation of the impact on home ownership of the change in mean housing policy values, and the full probit results. To examine the relationships ...
There’s no question that white evangelical Protestants, especially in the South, were not only on the sidelines but were on the wrong side of the most central struggle for civil justice of the twentieth century, namely the struggle for civil rights …[U]ntil the pro-family, religious conser...
This work analyses the use of sexual themes in silent era films. The areas chosen to explore filmmakers' connection with this topic are rape, race, and censorship: (1) Rape reflects the influence of foreign ideas and how they were received by the locals of the late nineteenth century. (2...
If “all nationalisms are gendered” (McClintock, 1993: 61), the Mother Ireland trope merely indicates the operation of a fundamental structuring principle recognizable in both official and insurgent nationalisms. It is one instance of the structural...
In the decades between 1896 and the mid-1960s it was unusual for the federal government to act to defend or advance Black Americans' interests. In this article two such rare instances are analysed. Both occurred in the 1920s, a decade with a distinctive political complexion. In 1923 Black ...
Boas and his successors conducted this study in the context of struggles against eugenics and white supremacist movements in Europe and the US in the 1920s and 1930s, and not the least German Nazism (King 2019). Central in the new anthropological conceptualisation of what was and should be ...
Feasibility of Using a Nationally Representative Telephone Survey to Monitor Multiple Sclerosis Prevalence in the United States Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common chronic neurologic disease of young adults, placing a heavy burden on patients, families, and the he... S Buka,M ...
See Ostriches in the Race for Survival's production, company, and contact information. Explore Ostriches in the Race for Survival's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for en