Erin then made the group (of mostly Camden and Elgin runners) sing Happy Birthday to me at the award ceremony, andpresented me with a giant birthday cookie cake. I’m sure 90 percent of the 2018 registrants wondered a) who the hell is this guy? and b) why is he such an insufferable...
The advantage of having parked my car conveniently in the middle of my course loop was easy access to my race hydration and nutrition. The disadvantage was knowing I could hop in my car at any point, call it a day, and no one would know. I’m not talking about cheating – I’m tal...
the bio lectures on m the biood of the cros the birthday cake the bitch and her whe the black bile the black is for you the black of night the black race the blade blasted the blamed love the blessing the blonde fury the blood-stained plu the blossom of ma lan the blue car wallpape...
The jump happens from the middle of a platform, and to get there, you take a cable car across. The cable car has a glass bottom, and if you are dumb enough to look down you will notice that the “river” that runs below you is really more of a small stream. It will not cushion...
I consider the four-hour flight to NorCal too long of a stretch to sit, so the thought of days sitting in a car was not appealing at all. Back to that embrace thing… moving is a whole different kind of marathon. I had to embrace this new race. Since Dave had inherited his dad’...
The 120⁃member choir began to sing Happy Birthday to me. ___ at the dorm, my friends held a small party for me, complete with a card and a cake. I was completely shocked, and I felt ___ to be able to call them friends. It was then that I realized that college means __...
I hop in a car with a couple of marshals to go to a monitoring point. With me is Roshan —“just Roshan, there’s only one of me in the town” — who’s clutching a vape in one hand and a handbag in the other. She’s been volunteering with Green Events for years. “To be ...
worship songs kicked off the celebration. A few miles later, I was so immersed in running, singing, praying…and crying.As I reflected on the past year, it brought me to tears recounting God’s faithfulness. On one of the hill climbs, Jesus and I had the best birthday cake in the for...