CeeLo Green - Race Against Time 专辑:Heart Blanche 歌手:CeeLo Green Race Against Time (与时间赛跑) - CeeLo Green (希洛·格林) This is our song sing it with me children Yeah it's alright hey Nobody lives forever so come on let's have some fun ...
lIIE立意、Stanley - Race AgainstTime
专辑:Race Against Time - The Complete Clay Recordings 歌手:g.b.h. Put us on a life support machine from the day we're born, Didn't realise it was just our dawn. By the media we've been accepted, but in reality still rejected. ...
Race Against Time by表演者:-作词:Glenn R. Jamison作曲:Glenn R. Jamison¥ 160.00 起 若您有项目配乐需求,开通曲多多套餐服务,单曲可享最低¥66.66/首, 立即了解 > 加入歌单 分享 试用 立即购买 所属专辑 Urban Crime and Drama BPM 151 主版本 主版本 00:00/02:46 歌曲标签 使用场景 影视配乐 ...
race against …与…比赛 epidemic n. 瘟疫 adj. 传染性的 【原文】WUHAN, Jan. 30 (Xinhua) -- More than one week after Wuhan was put on lockdown, the megacity with a population of over 10 million has been racing against time to battle the epidemic. ...
Race Against TimeSydney S. Song
30 (Xinhua) -- More than one week after Wuhan was put on lockdown, the megacity with a population of over 10 million has been racing against time to battle the epidemic. Zhang Dingyu is president of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, one of the city's designated hospitals to admit patients ...
u know we all race against time (可以做的更好)嘀嘀嗒,嘀嘀嗒,嘀哒嘀哒嗒嘀嗒 时间一分一秒,一分一秒non-stop “时光飞逝,岁月如梭”可以用来表达 还有“逝者如斯夫”这句古人说的话。what\'\'s da real life I really wanna write something that we\'\'re racing against time ....