They read the trash-paper. What did the raccoon say to the chef? “Your trash is my treasure.” How do raccoons get around town? On the garbage truck, of course! What do you call a raccoon with a degree in engineering? A trashnologist. Why did the raccoon bring a suitcase to the ...
游戏:Raccoon on a boat 独自一人深夜乘船,在自然生态动物园 "乘船的浣熊 "里拍摄诡异照片,拍到的东西都非常猎奇...整点电子榨菜 游戏 独立游戏 恐怖游戏 游戏视频 单机游戏 游戏实况 恐怖 游戏解说 实况解说骨森先森 发消息 Let's start a Cult!
1.There's araccoonin the garbage truck. 垃圾车里有一只浣熊。 「我力」评价该例句:好评差评指正 哈利波特与火焰杯 2." She just told me to shut up and get on with transfiguring myraccoon." “她只是叫我闭上嘴巴,专心给我的浣熊变形。” ...
Hey! Don't give me that look. Don't think you're getting out of this by being cute. Why are you handing me this? What is this? More trash? It better be a written apology. Let's see this." ―Rocket to Groot[src]Sometime later, Rocket woke up after hearing a small explosion ...