Raccoon dog definition: a small wild dog of the genus Nyctereutes, common in Asia, resembling a raccoon in coat and coloration.. See examples of RACCOON DOG used in a sentence.
Raccoon dog(貉)是一种犬科哺乳动物,学名为Nyctereutes procyonoides,主要分布于东亚和欧洲部分地区。尽管
而其中最令我感动的,就是貉确实就是这样可爱的动物。 今天要向大家介绍的动物它可是犬类动物中最萌、最可爱的动物,经常会被人们误认为是浣熊,它就是貉,又称貉子和狸,是犬科貉属的一种。 对于貉相信很多的小伙伴一定不会感到陌生,因为在很多的动画片当中,都有貉的卡通人物出现,特别是在日本的动画片当中。其中...
raccoon 词性变化 名词复数形式:raccoons 中文词源 raccoon 浣熊 来自北美印第安土著语 arahkun,浣熊。拼写被俗化。 词组短语 1、commonraccoon[网络] 北美浣熊;普通浣熊;北美普通浣熊 2、crab-eatingraccoon[网络] 食蟹浣熊;食蟹浣熊浣熊 3、raccoondog n. 狸 ...
Procyon is a Greek term that roughly means “before the dog” or “dog-like” (it also happens to be the name of a very bright star in the constellation Canis Minor). The species’ scientific name roughly translates from Latin to the washer, referring to the raccoon’s unusual behavior ...
Hey,I'm a raccoon dog (貉),not a raccoon (浣熊),though we look similar.I used to live in the wild.But these days,I moved to the big city of Shanghai and(1) became (become) a neighbor of humans. These years,many raccoon dogs like me moved to cities.One big(2)r eason is...
更多信息: 1、The rooster bristled his crest. 公鸡竖起了鸡冠。 2、cock vs rooster(两者的区别):cock 是英式英语的公鸡;rooster 是美式英语的公鸡。 3、rooster (狂妄自负的人):Don’t talk with him, he is a rooster.4...
英文名raccoon dog『如何才能“貉”谐共处?“不请自来”的野生貉频频现身居民区_新闻频道_央视网(cctv.com)』http://t.cn/A6CRpxbt
傻傻分不清?1狸猫(Raccoon dog/犬科/无危/个性温和,反应迟钝 ) 2浣熊(Raccoon/浣熊科/无危/实际上,干脆面很聪明。狡猾又很凶) 3獾(badger/鼬科/无危/遇危险放臭屁,善挖掘,视力差,暴脾气,金刚狼和蜜獾...
W=Hey,I'm a raccoon dog (貉),not a raccoon (浣熊),though we look similar.I used to live in the wild.But these days,I moved to the big city of Shanghai and(1)became (become) a neighbor of humans. These years,many raccoon dogs like me moved to cities.One big(2)r easo...