ORA-12537 could happen when connecting through listener, when creating database through DBCA, or when installing database software and creating a database in runInstaller. Job Role Separation is a typical example as SCAN and local
ERROR: ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed 2、查看node2的rdbms_home目录下是否有权限 grid@US1S-ISTORDB03A# ls -l /xxx/app/oracle/product/ -rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 233186712 May 10 09:00 /xxx/app/oracle/product/ 这项没有问题。 2. 查看...
ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed 2、查看node2的rdbms_home目录下是否有权限 grid@US1S-ISTORDB03A# ls -l /xxx/app/oracle/product/ -rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 233186712 May 10 09:00 /xxx/app/oracle/product/ 这项没有问题。 2. 查看该目录权...
正常情况下集群状态: [grid@rac1 ~]crsstat−t−vNameTypeR/RAF/FTTargetStateHost−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−...
ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed OR PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.db11.db CRS-5011: Check of resource db11 failed: details at .. CRS-2674: Start of ora.db11.db on racnode1 failed ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied
Oracle 11gR2 RAC 数据库不能连接(ORA-12537TNS:connection closed)的解决,问题:SQL>connsystem/123123@MECBSERROR:ORA-12537:TNS:connectionclosedWarning:YouarenolongerconnectedtoORACLE.解决:chmod6751$ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
通过调整LOCAL_LISTENER参数至正确配置,确保RAC集群中每个节点的LOCAL_LISTENER参数指向本节点的VIP地址,而REMOTE_LISTENER指向SCAN IP,解决了通过SCANIP连接时报错ORA-12545的问题。参考ORACLE MOS文档:ORA-12545 or ORA-12537 While Connecting to RAC Through SCAN name (Doc ID 970619.1)。
同时指定sid为orcl1和orcl2。完成配置后,再次测试连接,问题得以解决。通过命令conn sz/sz2486@,成功建立连接。为了更深入理解此问题的解决方法,可参考ORACLE MOS上的相关文档:ORA-12545 or ORA-12537 While Connecting to RAC Through SCAN name (Doc ID 970619.1)。
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact 原因: In environment where listener home (including SCAN listener which resides in Grid Infrastructure/ASM home) and database home are owned by different OS user, ORA-12537 could happen when connecting through listener, when creating database through DBCA, or when ins...
才安装好的一个ORACLE 11G的一套RAC,通过DG同步的数据,激活用于测试,在本地通过SCANIP链接,没有问题,conn sz/sz2486@但从其他机器链接,就会报错:SQL> conn sz/sz2486@ Connect