Result Cache Background Process (RCBG): 此进程用于处理连接到 Oracle RAC 中其他实例的服务器进程生成的失效和其他消息。 Oracle RAC Management Processes (RMSn):RMSn 进程为 Oracle RAC 执行可管理性任务。RMSn 进程完成的任务包括在将新实例添加到集群时创建与 Oracle RAC 相关的资源。 Remote Slave Monitor ...
About Oracle RAC Background Processes The GCS and GES processes, and the GRD collaborate to enable Cache Fusion. The Oracle RAC processes and their identifiers are as follows ACMS: Atomic Controlfile to Memory Service (ACMS) In an Oracle RAC environment, the ACMS per-instance process is an ag... Oracle® Database Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E25513-03 F Background Processes My Oracle Support文档: New Background Processes In 11g (Doc ID 444149.1)...
基于这个原因,Oracle RAC 通常在 DSS 环境(决策支持系统Decision Support System ,简称DSS)中可以做到很好的扩展性,因为 DSS 环境很容易将不同的任务分布在不同计算节点上,而对于 OLTP 应用(On-Line Transaction Processing联机事务处理系统),Oracle RAC 更多情况下用来提高可用性,而不是为了提高扩展性。 (二) MySQL...
Provides an overview of Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) installation and administration, and various components and functions.
下面是一个实际的进程列表,按PID的顺序列出,PID的顺序代表了进程实际的启动顺序。和RAC相关的进程分别有root、grid和oracle用户启动的。这些RAC进程包括了ClusterWare、ASM、Database以及RAC特有的一些进程。 说明:为了可读强,用$GRID_HOME代替了实际目录。
从Oracle 10g开始是有隐藏参数_high_priority_processes控制哪些进程是高优先级,19c参数中除了_high_priority_processes,还增加了_highest_priority_processes控制高优先级。在10.2版本中,Oracle缺少_high_priority_processes对RAC的核心进程LMS*设置高优先级,在11g版本中对LMS*|VKTM设置高优先级,在19c版本中_highest_pri...
Oracle RAC is perhaps the only solution providing linear horizontal scalability without application code change. In the latest release, Oracle RAC provides many new features and improvements to existing features, many of which work autonomously below the covers without any need for manual intervention ...
墨墨导读:近期有一套数据库总是出现如下告警“严重告警:XXX Oracle 服务器:10.10.X.X 数据库的侦听器 LISTENER 状态为 Inactive ”,本文详述处理的整个过程。
# chown oracle:oinstall /home/oracle 修改密码: #passwd oracle (oracle用户密码:oracle) 配置ssh: SSH Set-up(两台机器都设置) Hosta$ mkdir ~/.ssh Hosta $ chmod 700 ~/.ssh Hosta $ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa Here, we leave the passphrase empty. Your identification has been saved in /...