Fig. 4. Predicted results from OLS regressions of the number of dogs vaccinated by hour, for (A) all vaccination strategies combined, (B) mobile static point (MSP), (C), MSP + capture vaccinate release (CVR), and (D) door-to-door vaccination (DDV) and oral rabies vaccine (ORV)...
Overall, our results show that Georgian RABV strains exhibit a high degree of phylogenetic relatedness, with most strains contained within a single cluster. As mutations in the RABV glycoprotein antigenic sites are uncommon, it is highly likely that RABV vaccine strains provide strong protection agains...
In public health facilities, the cost of the vaccine ranges from USD 0 per dose; for patients under the Makueni universal health program, who are enrolled by paying an enrollment fee of USD 5; to USD 8.5 per dose, for patients who are not under the universal health program. In private ...