1.在etc目录下建一个文件,/etc/rabbitmq.conf,rabbitmq默认不会建这个文件,然后文件里面设置consumer_timeout = 720000(根据需要来决定)。然后重新启动rabbitmq。这种方式会使得rabbitmq短暂不可用不是太友好。 2.直接动态修改,通过 rabbitmqctl eval 'application:set_env(rabbit,consumer_timeout,720000).' 修改。
consumer_timeout从未打算提供任何类型的精度,它主要用于保护仲裁队列和长时间运行的使用者 默认情况下,...
RabbitMQ What are the steps required to reproduce the issue? 1. Set a short consumer_timeout valueinthe broker 2. Consume a messagefora longer period oftimethan the consumer_timeout What is the expected behavior? The timeout should be triggered and an exception should be raise. ...
I got some kind of task that could run for a long time. I haven't know before that RabbitMQ has consumer_timeout option which is 30 minutes by default. And it seems that connection from RoadRunner to RabbitMQ breaks after reaching this timeout while processing this greedy task. I'm sti...