2.3.4. Message rates 2.4. Exchanges(交换机) 2.5. Queues and Streams(队列和流) 2.5.1. Overview(概览) 2.5.2. Messages(消息) 2.5.3. Messages bytes 2.5.4. Messages rates 2.6 Admin 管理 1. 控制台界面 根据实际情况输入IP。 地址: http://localhost:15672 2. 控制界面详解 RabbitMQ主界面,总共...
1、totals统计 (1)Queued message: Ready:待消费的消息总数 Unacked:待应答的消息总数 Total:总数 Ready+Unacked Publish:producter pub消息的速率。 (2)Message rates: Publisher confirm:broker确认pub消息的速率。 Deliver(manual ack):customer手动确认的速率。 Deliver( auto ack):customer自动确认的速率。 Consume...
RabbitMQ 本质其实是用 Erlang 开发的 AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol )的具体实现,最初起源于金融系统,主要用于在分布式系统中存储转发消息,在易用性、扩展性、高可用性等方面有着不俗的表现。 2010年4月,RabbitMQ 科技公司被 VMware 旗下的 SpringSource 收购,在 2013 年 5 月被并入 Pivotal 。 其实V...
1、totals统计 (1)Queued message: Ready:待消费的消息总数 Unacked:待应答的消息总数 Total:总数 Ready+Unacked Publish:producter pub消息的速率。 (2)Message rates: Publisher confirm:broker确认pub消息的速率。 Deliver(manual ack):customer手动确认的速率。 Deliver( auto ack):customer自动确认的速率。 Consume...
Message rates Only rates for which some activity is taking place will be shown. 仅显示正在进行的某些活动的速率。 Publish Rate at which messages are entering the server 消息进入broker的速率,即消息发布速率 Publish confirm Rate at which the server is confirming publishes ...
Message rates Only rates for which some activity is taking place will be shown. 仅显示正在进行的某些活动的速率。 PublishRate at which messages are entering the server 消息进入broker的速率,即消息发布速率 Publish confirmRate at which the server is confirming publishes broker确认发布的速率 备注:如果生...
"incoming": [], "memory": 19900, "message_bytes": 0, ... ... "state": "running", "vhost": "/afei" } 我们需要关注的一些主要指标有: memory:使用的内存; messages:未被确认的消息总数 + 准备投递的消息总数; messages_ready:准备投递的消息总数; ...
Incoming message rates: published / routed to queues / confirmed / unconfirmed / returned / dropped Outgoing message rated: delivered with auto or manual acks / acknowledged / redelivered Polling operation with auto or manual acks, as well as empty ops ...
TheMessage rateschart is the best indicator of RabbitMQ performance. Nodes health Presents number of nodes in given state. Please be aware that this chart will be available not for everyRabbitMQversion. Queues health TheQueues healthchart shows more than just queue health. RabbitMQ can handle a...
they are values that change over time. This is the simplest and clearest way of visualising how some aspect of the system changes. Time-based charting makes it easy to understand the change in key metrics: message rates, memory used by every node in the cluster, or the number of concurrent...