channel error on connection<0.1747.13>channel1:operation none caused a channel exception precondition_failed:delivery acknowledgement on channel1timed out.Time out value used:1800000ms.This timeout value can be configured.See consumers doc guide to learn more. 紧接着,你可能会看到下一条日志信息: 代...
closing AMQP connection <0.909.1> ( -> Missed heartbeats from client, timeout: 10s =ERROR REPORT=== 21-Dec-2016::12:38:20 === closing AMQP connection <0.898.1> ( -> Missed heartbeats from client, timeout:...
closing AMQP connection <0.909.1> ( -> Missed heartbeats from client, timeout: 10s =ERROR REPORT=== 21-Dec-2016::12:38:20 === closing AMQP connection <0.898.1> ( -> Missed heartbeats from client, timeout:...
显式地关闭Channel 是个好习惯,但这不是必须的,在Connection关闭的时候,Channel 也会自动关闭。 AMQP 协议中的Connection和Channel 采用同样的方式来管理网络失败、内部错误和显式地关闭连接。Connection 和Channel 所具备的生命周期如下所述。 Open : 开启状态,代表当前对象可以使用。 Closing : 正在关闭状态。当前对象...
connection.close(); 1. 2. 显式地关闭Channel 是个好习惯,但这不是必须的,在Connection关闭的时候,Channel 也会自动关闭。 AMQP 协议中的Connection Open : 开启状态,代表当前对象可以使用。 Closing : 正在关闭状态。当前对象被显式地通知调用关闭方法( shutdown) ,这样就产生了一个关闭请求让其内部对象进行相...
From therabbitmqlog: Raw =ERROR REPORT=== 16-Jul-2014::09:08:33 === closing AMQP connection <0.19688.0> ( -> {handshake_error,starting,0, {amqp_error,access_refused, "AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'cinder' - invalid credentials", 'connection.start...
connection <0.22397.46>, channel 2- soft error: {amqp_error,not_found, "home node 'rabbit@d2' of durable queue 'task_queue' in vhost 'web' is down or inaccessible", 'queue.declare'} 从日志可以看出,distribute_queue可以正常提供服务,但是task_queue则不能访问。原来之前已经对distribute_queue做...
=WARNINGREPORT===3-May-2016::08:08:09===closingAMQPconnection<0.22276.61>(> unexpectedly closedTCPconnection=ERRORREPORT===3-May-2016::08:08:11===closingAMQPconnection0.15409.61>(>{writer,send_failed...
RabbitMQ logs show some connection errors. Raw [error] <0.0000.000> closing AMQP connection <0.6092.429> ( -> - neutron-openvswitch-agent:1000:aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa {inet_error,etimedout}
accepting/closing connection info messages. The extract posted below has happened 81 times since the evening of 8th November, always the same set of logs, I do not see any other messages before/after that indicate an error, manual shutdown etc. ...