queue in queues) { await DeleteQueueAsync(rabbitMQBaseUrl, vhost, username, password, queue); } Console.WriteLine("All queues deleted successfully."); } static async Task<string[]> GetQueuesAsync(string baseUrl, string vhost, string username, string password) ...
Then - assuming your queues are unused, which I assume is why you're deleting them - this will expire them near-immediately. Remember to delete the policy again afterwards, or you'll struggle to declare anything... This line creates a policy named deleter which applies to all names (.*)...
大概流程是:ajax通过接口查询需要删除的exchanges、queues,再循环遍历逐个删除 下面代码是浏览器控制台可执行的js代码 首次执行可能会页面回弹框,需要登录 //删除exchanges 或 queues let deleteType = "exchanges"; //删除vhost //1.Virtual host 是系统"All"; 赋值空字符串""即可 //2.Virtual host 是系统"/"...
amqp:DeleteQueue delete *Queue acs:amqp:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:/instances/{#instanceId}/vhosts/{#vhostName}/queues/{#queueName} 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 InstanceId string 是 实例ID。 1880770869023*** QueueName string 是 Queue 名称。 DemoQueue VirtualHost string 是 Vhost 名称...
登录RabbitMQ WebUI页面。 在“Queues”页签,单击需要删除的队列名称,进入队列详情页面。 图1 队列列表 单击“Delete Queue”,删除单个队列。 图2 删除单个队列 批量删除Queue(RabbitMQ WebUI) 新增与待删除队列的前缀名称相同、且队列TTL为1ms的策略,通过此策略实现批量删除队列。 登录RabbitMQ WebUI页面。 在“...
Queues:队列,即消息队列,消息存放在队列中,等待消费,消费后被移除队列。 修改角色密码:rabbitmqctl change_password admin 123456 查看用户列表:rabbitmqctl list_users 端口: 5672: rabbitMq的编程语言客户端连接端口 15672:rabbitMq管理界面端口 25672:rabbitMq集群的端口 ...
String declareQueue(Queue queue); boolean deleteQueue(String queueName); void deleteQueue(...
Auto-delete (exchange is deleted when all queues have finished using it) Arguments (these are broker-dependent) 2.2 Queue AMQP 模型下的 Queue 有这些属性 Name Durable (the queue will survive a broker restart) Exclusive (used by only one connection and the queue will be deleted when that conne...
To enable the auto-delete and exclusive queues: boolean exclusive = true; boolean autoDelete = true; channel.queueDeclare(QUEUENAME, durable, exclusive, autoDelete, arguments); Limiting the Number of Priority Queues Each priority queue starts an Erlang process. If there are too many priority queu...