OpenStack depends on message queues, so it's crucial that you have the best possible setup. Most deployments include RabbitMQ, so let's take a few minutes to look at best practices.
=nil{msg:="Failed to publish a message"log.Printf("%s: %s",msg,err)returnerr}//log.Printf("Publish message: %#v", pub)returnnil} Declare a durable Exchange and Queue Durable and Non-Auto-Deleted queues will survive serve...
Learn everything you need to know to master RabbitMQ. Go all the way from learning the basics, via tips and tricks from a realistic case study, to master best practices.
Plugin Quality Tips A badly-written plugins can pose a risk to the stability of the broker. To ensure that your plugin can safely operate without affecting RabbitMQ core, a couple of safety best practices are highly recommended. Always use a top-level supervisor for your application. ...
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