I believe she is pregnant but I really was not sure what to feel … Rabbit palpated by vet and 35 days post breeding I have a Holland Lop that is not delivering. I am hopeful that she will deliver them since she is still eating, drinking, urinating and pooping. I know … Proof ...
Hey, Shannon. 2 rabbits would be ideal, but (and this is a big but) not all rabbits get along. It would be bad 2 get 2 rabbits that fight each other. Do some research on rabbit.org before you get one. Too many people get rabbits and don't do the proper research on how to pro...
Rex rabbits come in two main types: Mini Rex and the standard Rex. I will deal with each type separately so as to avoid confusion. Standard Rex Rabbits The standard Rex has a beautiful velvety fur that is popular in the fur trade (not something I recommend or support, this is merely a...
I don’t know who coined the term ‘silent killer’ but it’s an unfortunately accurate description of this problem. It’s not being overly dramatic to state that gastric stasis can kill a rabbit in a matter of hours. Gastric stasis occurs when normal gut motility (movement) slows down or...