当地传说称,Rabbit Hash 之所以得名,是因为一场大洪水导致该镇附近聚集了一大群兔子。当地厨师很快开始将兔子融入当地美食。一种叫做兔杂汤的美味汤很快变得如此受欢迎,以至于游客开始将这个小镇称为兔杂镇。自1831 年开始营业的 Rabbit Hash General Store 是历史爱好者的聚集地。但1937 年的洪水几乎将 Rabbit Hash...
{RABBIT_DATABASE_DRIVER:-redis}#Redisredis:hash_prefix:${RABBIT_DATABASE_REDIS_HASH_PREFIX:-rabbit_}#Third Party API Integrationintegrations:#Github Configsgithub:#Webhook URI (Full URL will be app.domain + webhook_uri)webhook_uri:${RABBIT_INTEGRATION_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_URI:-/webhook/github}#...
[ {rabbit, [ ... {config_entry_decoder, [ {passphrase, "mypassphrase"}, {cipher, blowfish_cfb64}, {hash, sha256}, {iterations, 10000} ]} ]}].Or, using CLI tools:rabbitmqctl encode --cipher blowfish_cfb64 --hash sha256 --iterations 10000 \ '<<"guest">>' mypassphrase...
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>();headers.put("latitude", 51.5252949);headers.put("longitude", -0.0905493);channel.basicPublish(exchangeName, routingKey, new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder() .headers(headers) .build(), messageBodyBytes);...
hash(1) hashcheck(1) hashmake(1) hashstat(1) head(1) head(1g) helpdate(1) helpgid(1) helpint(1) helpitem(1) helppath(1) helprange(1) helpstr(1) helptime(1) helpuid(1) helpyorn(1) hexedit(1) hg(1) hist(1) history(1) hostid(1) hostid(1g) hostname(1) hpftodit(1...
createChannel(); String exchange = "test_ack_exchange"; String routingKey = "ack.save"; for(int i =0; i<5; i ++){ Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); headers.put("num", i); AMQP.BasicProperties properties = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder() .deliveryMode...
rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange-3.8.4.ez rabbitmq_tracing-3.8.4.ez cuttlefish-2.2.0.ez rabbitmq_event_exchange-3.8.4.ez rabbitmq_trust_store-3.8.4.ez eetcd-0.3.2.ez rabbitmq_federation-3.8.4.ez rabbitmq_web_dispatch-3.8.4.ez gen_batch_server-0.8.2.ez rabbitmq_federation_management...
exchanges of types provided by plugins such as rabbitmq-consistent-hash-exchange GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server#2384 Similarly, client connection listeners (both TCP and TLS-enabled) are now started after plugin activation. This makes certain configurations that use the trust store plugin ...
By using the Consistent Hash exchange like in the previous pattern we also get data locality. For example all of user 1001's events always go to consumer 2 because we hash a message header that contains the user id. This means that consumer 2 can do some operations that would not be ...
[ ] rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange 3.6.5 [ ] rabbitmq_event_exchange 3.6.5 [ ] rabbitmq_federation 3.6.5 [ ] rabbitmq_federation_management 3.6.5 [ ] rabbitmq_jms_topic_exchange 3.6.5 [ ] rabbitmq_management 3.6.5 [ ] rabbitmq_management_agent 3.6.5 ...