图2 BPN注射和元上海构建rAAV2-retro能够高效地逆向标记皮层-BPN通路 除被证明拥有逆向感染能力,rAAV2-retro的逆向效率还非常高(见图3),远高于其他病毒,甚至高于荧光金染料,充分说明该工具的强大。 图3 rAAV2-retro的高效逆向感染能力 rAAV2-retro是一个全能选手 除了能逆向标记广泛的神经通路,如皮层/丘脑/杏仁核...
rAAV2-retro helper是一个大肠杆菌表达载体,Tac强启动子可以驱动GST促溶标签和目的基因融合表达,LacI阻碍蛋白和Laco操作子使本质粒在没有加入IPTG之前禁止表达,防止其影响细菌生长。表达后的融合蛋白可用凝血酶蛋白酶切割,再过一次GST柱子即可清除掉GST标签。 产品相册 rAAV2-retro helperAddgene NGS results GTTTCGGTG...
Our work suggests that gene delivery via the intramuscular injection of rAAV2-retro represents a promising tool in the development of gene therapy strategies for motor neuron diseases.doi:10.1016/j.omtm.2019.11.006Zhilong ChenGuoqing FanAnan Li...
中科院徐富强团队对系列工具病毒进行了改造和筛选,来弥补这类工具的不足,新的高效逆行靶向投射神经元的重组腺相关病毒rAAV11问世,在2022年1月发布《AAV11 permits efficient retrograde targeting of projection neurons》一文,相较rAAV2-retro血清型,rAAV11在一些脑区具备更优的逆行标记效率。 图1 | DOI:10.1101/202...
Using a regimen of daily cyclosporine and either an intramuscular or intraneural injection of an rAAV2-retro based vector, we observed functional nerve expression of ChR2 via EMG activity locked to optical stimulation of a targeted nerve for up to 24 weeks post-injection. Throughout this ...
rAAV11比rAAV2-retro逆行标记效率更优 rAAV11可用于功能网络监测 rAAV11可高效转导星形胶质细胞 总结 允许有效逆行靶向投射神经元的病毒示踪剂是解剖神经环路的结构、功能以及治疗脑部疾病的强大载体。其中,重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)是最具潜能的候选者。它们具有毒性低、应用范围广、基因表达丰度高和宿主免疫反应小等优势...
In this study we demonstrate that treatment of AAVpro 293T packaging cells with the sugars sucrose or sorbitol during adeno-associated virus (AAV) production improves the yields of AAV2 and rAAV2-retro serotypes 1.8-fold and 1.5-fold, respectively. Using an iodixanol gradient centrifugation ...
Co-localization of two-color rAAV2-retro confirms thedispersion characteristics of efferent projections ofmitral cells in mouse accessory olfactory bulb AccessoryolfactorybulbEfferentprojectionsRetrograderAAVsProjectionneuronlabelingThe accessory olfactory bulb(AOB), located at the posterior dorsal aspect of the...