Evolution of the spectral function in Mott-Hubbard systems withd1configuration We have studied the photoemission spectra of perovskite-type Ti3+ and V4+ oxides, which have formally the d1 configuration ranging from a Mott insulator to... A.,Fujimori,I.,... - 《Physical Review Letters》 被引...
关于Collection O酒店莫坎波,博卡德尔里奥 (Collection O Hotel Mocambo, Boca del Rao) 典藏O莫坎博酒店:维拉克斯的理想选择 位于美丽的维拉克斯,墨西哥,典藏O莫坎博酒店是一家备受欢迎的3.5星级酒店,提供舒适而现代的住宿体验。酒店拥有70间精心设计的客房,旨在为每位客人提供温馨的居住环境。无...
与新冠肺炎疫情的战斗,已历经两个冬春,监狱人民警察,依然在持续地付出。他们的每一份付出,都是为了呵护来之不易的安宁,都是为了捍卫司法的公平正义。 2020年的风雨正已然褪去, 2021年的第一缕阳光, 镌刻着属于监狱人民警察的誓言与答案, 冲破黑暗, 照亮迷途之人前行的道路。 为您推荐(点击阅读) 1、【示范监区...
摘要: DTXM RadioModem wireless modems operate on the licensed land mobile frequency bands at VHF, UHF, and 220 MHz. They offer extended range in a small footprint (3.6x2.3xl-in.) for remote telemetry and SCADA in a variety of duties including oil and gas. 年份: 2009 收藏...