holy crap this actually works, im running windows vista ultimate 32 bit and it works perfectly we were able to get a lan game going rather quickly, i thank who ever did this, also is there one for tiberian sun? Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes Author Borg.Overmind - May 31 ...
thexshadow, I'll check, but I'm 99% sure that this problem will remain, so I suspect that this check is carried in windows, and not in the game. Edit: I tested. Not a sensation. Still requires the presence of any file with the name ra2 (md) .exe in the game folder, otherwi...
而与此同时,苏俄正集中所有力量,试图夺回他们的首都 【使用方法】 1.打开二楼链接,选择“落日余晖”文件夹,阅读说明并下载其中的Apocalypse.zip或自解压文件Apocalypse.exe(不知道为什么自解压文件会报毒) 2.解压后将全部文件放入纯净的心灵终结3.3.4中并覆盖 3.运行游戏 【全景图镇楼】 【胡言乱语】 几个月前...
dnscat2> windows 0 :: main [active] dns1 :: DNS Driver running on domains = skullseclabs.org [*] 1 :: command session (ubuntu-64) 2 :: sh (ubuntu-64) [*] dnscat2> session -i 2 New window created: 2 history_size (session) => 1000 This is a console session...
holy crap this actually works, im running windows vista ultimate 32 bit and it works perfectly we were able to get a lan game going rather quickly, i thank who ever did this, also is there one for tiberian sun? ReplyGood karmaBad karma+4 votes ...