本公司生产销售lora模块 LoRa模块,提供lora模块专业参数,lora模块价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.lora模块 lora模块 品牌AI|产地广东省|价格9.80元|型号Ra-02|批号23+|宽度3.3mm|高度1.2mm|封装SMD|最小电源电压4.5V|最大电源电压9.5V|长度7.7mm|最小工作温度-3
Ra-02 价格参考¥ 23.68 。 Ai-Thinker Ra-02 封装/规格: MODULE_17X16MM_SM, LoRa模块 SMD-16 2.7~3.6V 410~525MHz。你可以下载 Ra-02 中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有 LoRa模块 详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程 手机版: Ra-02...
Ra-02 is a wireless transmission module based on SEMTECH's SX1278 wireless transceiver. It adopts advanced LoRa spread spectrum technology, with a communication distance of 10,000 meters. It has strong ability of anti-jamming and has the function of air wake-up Consumption. Can be covering tho...
433MHZ Communication Interface: SPI Translator Compatibility: Ra-01, Ra-02 for Smart Home Features: |Signal Intelligence|Spectrum Intelligent Home|Lora With Horse| **Advanced Connectivity for Smart Home Automation** The SX1278 LoRa Module is a cutting-edge wireless transmitter designed for the modern...
RA-02 LoRa模块 SMD 数据速率 增益 频率,功率 调制方式价格 ¥ 10.00 ¥ 8.00 ¥ 7.00 起订数 1个起批 100个起批 1000个起批 发货地 广东深圳 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N4 电子元器件 专营ESP 封装SMD 批次21+ ¥ 0.10 K4ZAF325BM-HC14 电子元器件 SMD PDF 数...
lora_module_cmp.png 4159×9602 2024/12/27 07:07 2.6 MB lora_modules_libraries.7z 2022/06/27 03:59 5.5 MB lora_test.zip 2024/04/24 03:29 109.5 KB loradriversdk-v2.0.0.zip 2020/11/24 02:04 1.2 MB lorakit_release_sx126x_v1-lora-demo-lora-kit-.zip 2024/06/04 08:28 783.8 ...
商品型号: Ra-02 制造厂商: Ai-Thinker(安信可) 封装规格: Module 商品毛重: 6.00g 商品编号: CY362372 数据手册:在线预览 商品描述: SX1278 LoRa扩频无线模块/超远10KM/433M/安信可Ra-02 交货地:国内货期(工作日):立即发货 库存:现货3150(800起订) ...
I have the ESP32 WROOM and I have it together with the LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 Module 433MHz. Now I have some example files in micropython. But I can no longer get into the shell when I press stop, nor when I put the USB cable in and out. He keeps booting that script. I am using...
模块型号模板:Ra-01/Ra-02 LoRa Module User Manual 封装SMD-16 尺寸17 * 16 * (3.2±0.1) mm 通讯接口SPI 可编程比特率最高可达 300Kbps 频谱范围410-525MHz 最大发射功率18±1 dBm 平均工作电流(433 MHz )TX:93mA RX:12.15mA Standby:1.6mA ...
Ra-02 LoRa module with SX1278 chip 433MHz antenna STM32 microcontroller Wiring The wire connections are like following: STM pinModule pin SPI MISO MISO SPI MOSI MOSI SPI CLK CLK a GPIO output (initially HIGH) NSS a GPIO output (initially HIGH) RST a GPIO input (EXTI - Rising edge) DI...