[X86] FastISel -fno-pic: emit R_386_PC32 when calling an intrinsic Browse files This matches how a SelectionDAG::getExternalSymbol node is lowered. On x86-32, a function call in -fno-pic code should emit R_386_PC32 (since ebx is not set up). When linked as -shared (problemati...
ld.lld: error: relocation R_386_PC32 cannot be used against symbol __zig_probe_stack;recompile with -fPIC >>> definedin/tmp/zig/cache/zig/o/24934007c007b2d5b7135d2223ee0adf/libcompiler_rt.a(/tmp/zig/cache/zig/o/24934007c007b2d5b7135d2223ee0adf/compiler_rt.o) >>> referenced ...
ELF - 了解 R_386_PC32 重定位 Tre*_*rey 3 x86 elf 我正在尝试理解 ELF 中的重定位,但是我在处理这方面的文档时遇到了一些麻烦,因为它相当神秘。例如,重定位方程描述了 3 个参数:S、A 和 P。现在我知道 A 只是加数,它是用于帮助重定位计算的一些数字,而 S 是“索引位于的符号的值”搬迁条目”(与...
Section 3.6.3 that a PC-relative address is an offset from the current run-time value of the program counter (PC). When the CPU executes an instruction using PC-relative addressing, it forms the effective address (e.g., the target of t R 386 PC32 : 调迁使用32位个人计算机相对地址的...
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丑到极致,点痣、祛斑的尴尬期|不能出门见人啦 几年前花了4个W做了皮秒,结果效果却不佳这次换种方式试试,能否给我的肌肤重获新生前一周不能洗脸,每天涂中草药N次 快包公了2人赞说点什么吧...1 2 3大众点评 App内打开 分享到 新浪微博 QQ空间 ...
[X86] FastISel -fno-pic: emit R_386_PC32 when calling an intrinsic Browse files This matches how a SelectionDAG::getExternalSymbol node is lowered. On x86-32, a function call in -fno-pic code should emit R_386_PC32 (since ebx is not set up). When linked as -shared (problemati...