lede,原版十分简洁,无线信号强,家里以前5g覆盖不到地方全覆盖了,各种各样的软件包,可玩性很高。安装完自带luci web界面,设置密码,设置wan口连接网络,到软件库里搜索安装中文。目前在用,简单高效,充分发挥路由性能。ddwrt,功能强大,但设置项太多太杂,不看教程连无线都设置不了。。。vcf(Voxel's Custom Firmware)...
前几天因图新鲜将用了一年的R7800刷为dd-wrt固件,结果发现信号覆盖和网络速率相对于原厂固件还有一些差距。 然后从dd-wrt固件刷回原厂,具体操作过程如下: 1、到NETGEAR官网【支持】模块下载想恢复的对应版本固件: 链接地址为:http://support.netgear.cn/doucument/Detail.asp?id=2325 我下载的版本为1.0.2.62 。
官改Voxel https://voxel-firmware.com/Downloads/Voxel/html/r7800.html 优质第三方Kong pro https:/...
I've been using Voxel's firmware for a long time now on my R7800 and I love it. But I just upgraded my Internet service from a 50mbit to 100mbit line. Curiously, I get 100mbit with the stock firmware and no VPN connection. On Voxel's firmware I only get 57mbit without and 23...
Unlock lightning-fast Microsoft support with Magenium’s Premier Services+. Our expert team ensures seamless integration, proactive monitoring, and rapid issue resolution. Save up to 40% on costs while enjoying priority access to top-tier engineers. Experience unparalleled support today!
建议大家使用R7800 Voxel's Firmware,官方原厂固件和Voxel可以互刷,我家R7800一直在升级该固件,比较稳定,目前最新版本:固件下载: http://www.voxel-firmware.com/Downloads/Voxel/html/r7800.html具体可参考:http://koolshare.cn/thread-140917-1-19.html 11楼2020-03-08 11:57 回复 听海...
Voxel has recently updated both the R9000 and R7800 firmware. You can access them by using the links below - from there you can check out the changelogs and download. Voxel's custom firmware adds features and functionality along with improving the CPU power on your Nighthawk. If you have ...
-- UPLOAD_FIRMWARE: true 是否上传固件 -- UPLOAD_COWTRANSFER: true 是否上传固件到奶牛快传 -- CREATE_RELEASE: true 是否创建发行版本 Release -- BUILD_USER: ClayMoreBoy 定义编译者 -- SEND_WECHAT_MSG: true 是否微信通知 默认配置 默认配置IP用户名密码 路由& SSH root password WIFI -- -...
-- UPLOAD_FIRMWARE: true是否上传固件 -- UPLOAD_COWTRANSFER: true是否上传固件到奶牛快传 -- CREATE_RELEASE: true是否创建发行版本 Release -- BUILD_USER: ClayMoreBoy定义编译者 -- SEND_WECHAT_MSG: true是否微信通知 默认配置 默认配置IP用户名密码 ...
-- UPLOAD_FIRMWARE: true是否上传固件 -- UPLOAD_COWTRANSFER: true是否上传固件到奶牛快传 -- CREATE_RELEASE: true是否创建发行版本 Release -- BUILD_USER: ClayMoreBoy定义编译者 -- SEND_WECHAT_MSG: true是否微信通知 默认配置 默认配置IP用户名密码 ...