In addition, now with both R6Tab and R6DB down permanently, I'm looking to get R6 Analyst up-and-running as an alternative public R6 Profile Stats web presence by end-of-year 2024. Meaning you can visit the website and view account stats on any Siege user, though I'll mainly focus ...
Our new player signing is not the only news we have to share. We are also happy to share that we have signed one of the best analysts in the Rainbow SixSiege, William "Titan" Davie! Now we can finally analyze Fabian’s mald % (spoiler alert, it’s really high). With SI2023 around...
I’ve opened around 1200 alpha packs and haven’t gotten a single Black ice. Makes me feel like i’m playing good old siege would 10/10 recommend Tippy2tuff,2025/02/24 Pretty good Only part is you should be able to sell things you don’t want...
Some of the content that Rainbow Six 3 offers these days is modern sights/scopes that you see in todays games with on the fly features like turning on the G33 magnifier with Holographic for instance, new maps with destructible environment and improved special effects, detail and graphics overal...
A must have update is more pack variants. I really want to see some more pack types like doctors curse or esports and stuff like that, and newer operators on todays game. Also, I don’t think the only way to get renown is ads and money. To fix this there could be a r6 trivia ...