Kali R6 Siege operator is a versatile attacker with a team-support oriented gadget. She is a welcomed alternative to Thatcher from a utility perspective. If you’ve mained AWP in CS: GO, then you are going to love Kali! She instantaneously becomes THE sniper of Rainbow Six Siege –as if...
An in-depth guide to Jackal R6 Siege operator. Learn how to play Jackal with our guides on playstyle, utility, loadout, popular video guides, and more!
r6operators is a collection of high-quality vectorized Rainbow Six: Siege Operator icons & metadata for Node.js - marcopixel/r6operators
Primarily Rainbow Six Siege Clash is an intel-gathering operator who shines when teamwork is utilized to its fullest potential. Communication is an integral aspect of teamwork, so don’t be that player who has all the intel about the attacker’s location but chooses to share none!
An in-depth guide to Hibana R6 Siege operator. Learn how to play Hibana with our guides on playstyle, utility, loadout, popular video guides, and more!
EchoR6 Siege Playstyle Anchoring. Anchoring and again Anchoring. Echo R6 operator is THE anchor in the game. Due to its characteristics as well as the role and utility nature, Echo will almost always be on site, frequently operating drones in a safe corner. ...