Endothelium-targeted Delta-like 1 promotes hematopoietic stem cell expansion ex vivo and engraftment in hematopoietic tissues in vivo •An endothelial cell-targeted soluble Notch ligand, D1R, has been generated.•D1R enhances ex vivo amplification of HSCs from both mouse and human... DM Tian,...
Genetic lineage tracing of Foxp3+ Treg cells in BAC-Foxp3Cre-GFP × R26Y mice.Sonja, Schallenbergx 104 (□), 1 x 105 (○), 5 x 105 (◇), or 1 x 106 (△) BM cells from C57BL/6-GFP mice.
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2024年的最后几天了,发条抖音,跟过去的每一天好好道别,铭记那些让你脚踏实地的坚持,感恩那些让你有笑有泪的成长,也提醒自己,还有梦想尚未实现,还有远方不曾抵达,别懈怠,别退缩,加倍珍惜,加倍努力,向着未来继续出发。 2024年的最后几天了,发条抖音,跟过去的每一天好好道别,铭记那些让你脚踏实地的坚持,感恩那些...