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I'm actually typing this on a 16" Lenovo Legion, with a display that's almost double the PPI of the R25i-30. So if you don't care about text, smooth detail, go for it (gaming only) Recommends this product ✘ No Originally posted on Response from Poornim...
联想拯救者 发布了一款小尺寸电竞屏——R25i-30,定位不高,配置相对还行,适合入门级A卡游戏玩家。 外观相对战斗,三边窄边框,支架有一抹蓝点缀,可惜支架只允许简单俯仰角调节,这也说明其定位并不高。 规格方面,基于 24.5 英寸 IPS 防眩光面板,16:9 长宽比,1920 x 1080 分辨率,178°可视角,峰值400尼特亮度(典型...
1. 高刷新率:165Hz 的刷新率保证了流畅的游戏体验,同时可以超频至 180Hz。2. 快速响应时间:0.5ms...
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Lire les avis sur Écran Lenovo Legion R25i-30 FHD Gaming (24,5") 4.1 10 avis Cette action vous redirigera vers les avis. Ce produit est recommandé par 6 commentateur(s) sur 8 (75%) Rechercher des rubriques et des avis Rechercher des rubriques et des avis ϙ Rechercher ...
I bought the monitor from lenovo official website itself but the support from lenovo is not good, upon sending multiple emails and calls to the support team the issue is still not yet resolved its been around 10+ days so far still dint get any update.Now im worried even to buy something...
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Lenovo Natural Low Blue Light Mode (Hardware) VS Conventional Blue Filter Mode High Dynamic Range Display HDR400 monitor can provide real-like light and shade effects, make the game image looks more realistic. Unleashing Audio Excellence Immerse yourself in aural perfection with an integrated 2x3W ...
Lenovo Legion R25i-30 FHD Gaming-skjerm (24,5") IKKE PÅ LAGER Ikke tilgjengelig på 4.4 (85) Produktinformasjonsark 2 799,00 krinkl. MVA Sammenlign Oversikt: Utforsk spillene dine i suveren klarhet på 24,5-tommers In-Plane Switching med FHD-oppløsning....