支持8个8056风扇,N+1热插拔冗余风扇; 电源 标配无电源,支持4个2000W/2400W白金电源,支持N+N冗余 外形 4U机架式 尺寸 174.8mm (高)x 447mm(宽) x 807mm(深) 质保 3年5*9,NBD *与 NVIDIA 产品相关的图片或视频 (完整或部分) 的版权均归 NVIDIA Corporation 所有...
Harner,Jantunen,MM L.,Bidleman,T.F,Barrie,L.A,Strachan,MJ W.摘要: Air samples were collected at an urban site (Chicago, IL) and a semi-urban location (Downsview, Ontario) in February and March 1995 to measure atmospheric concentrations and particle/gas partitioning of polychlorinated ...
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