R1b-S21 (a.k.a. U106)is found at high concentrations in the Netherlands and northern Germany. Its presence in other parts of Europe can be attributed to the 5th- and 6th-century Germanic migrations. The Frisians and Saxons spread this haplogroup to the British Isles, the Franks to Belgiu...
它们属于Y-haplogroups I、I2a2、R1a、R1b1a (L754)和R1b1a2 (L388)。他们中没有人属于在Yamna时期统治的R1b-M269或R1b-L23。线粒体血统也完全来自中石器时代的欧洲血统(U4a, U4b, U4d, U5a1, U5a2, U5b2,以及一个J2b1和一个U2e1)。这些母系血统都不包括典型的印欧语系的单倍体,如H2a1、H6、...
A. (2012). Ancient History of the Arbins, Bearers of Haplogroup R1b, from Central Asia to Europe, 16,000 to 1500 Years before Present. Advances in Anthropology, 2, 87-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/aa.2012.22010Klyosov, A. A. (2012). Ancient history of the Arbins, bearers of...
If you are researching the male line of Y-DNA Haplogroups DF27, a subgroup of the R1b, I hope you find this site helpful. If you have tested positive for R1b, or DF27, or any of it’s subgroups, please use the links below to determine your unique haplogroup and submit your result...
Welcome to the new website, focusing on the Y-DNA Haplogroup DF27, a sub group of the large R1b Haplogroup. R1b (aka M343)… (formed 22,400 years ago) > M269 (aka R1b1a2)… (formed 15,200 years ago) >> P312 (formed 6,000 years ago) >>> L21 (formed 5,800 years ago) ...
在英国,巨石时代的个人只属于Y-haplogroup I2(主要是I2a2和I2a1b-L161),但在青铜时代早期完全被R1b-L51 (几乎全部 L21 分支)取代。这意味着Bell Beaker文化与一个特定的种族没有联系。陶制钟形瓶源自于巨石时代的伊比利亚半岛,但随后传播到法国和欧洲中部,并被入侵的R1b-L51草原人民所使用,这些人带着他们...
Lucotte, G. (2015). The Major Y-Chromosome Haplogroup R1b-M269 in West-Europe, Subdivided by the Three SNPs S21/U106, S145/L21 and S28/U152, Shows a Clear Pattern of Geographic Differentiation. Advances in Anthropology, 5, 22-30. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/aa.2015.51003...