第37卷 第5期 制冷 学报 Vol. 37,No. 5 2016年10 月 Journal of Refrigeration October,2016 文章编号:0253-4339(2016)05-0026-07 doi:103969/ jissn0253-4339201605026 R134a汽车空调回热系统热力性能参数的优化分析 1 1 2 岳镇宇 陈焕新 钟昌 (1华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院 武汉 430074;2 东风贝洱热...
Therefore, the two loops are never closed simultaneously when pulsation occurs, which could ensure a steady state inlet pressure and a continuous mass flux before the evaporator. Figure 1. The pulsating flow boiling test facility schematic. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the two-phase pulsating ...