Density of liquid at 25°C,g/cm3 1.207 Vapor pressure at 25°C,MPa 0.665 Critical temperature,°C 101.1 Critical pressure,Mpa 4.067 Critical density,g/cm3 0.512 Latent heat of vaporation at bp.,KJ/Kg 215.0 Solubility in water at 25°C, % by weight 0.15 Specific heat, liquid...
Saturated Vapour Density at nBpt kg/m3 5.229 Coeff. Vol. Therm. Exp. (LIQ,0-20℃) ℃-1 0.002766 Speed of Sound (sat. LIQ)(25℃) m/sec 503 Adiabatic Exponent (VAP)(25℃/2.9bar) - 1.142 Acentric Factor - 0.3270 Dielectric Constant (VAP 25℃/1atm) - 1.014 Dielectric Streng...
Density密度at 20℃ D1298 0.981 Flash Point闪点℃ E92 240 Water Content水份ppm E1064-85 <40 Acid Value酸值mg KOH/g 0.02 Colour色度Hazen D1209 50 互溶性,R-134a: > 80 -50 关键词:LG离心机专用冷冻油 公司同类产品 复盛FS100A冷冻油专为低温工况的螺杆机设计无锡市现货供应 ...
R134a饱和温度压力表-完整打印版.pdf 热度: 简易版详细版 LiquidVaporLiquidVaporLiquidVaporLiquidVaporLiquidVaporLiquidVapor TemperaturePressureDensityDensityEnthalpyEnthalpyEntropyEntropyTemperaturePressureDensityDensityEnthalpyEnthalpyEntropyEntropy (℃)(MPa)(kg/m3)(kg/m3)(kJ/kg)(kJ/kg)(kJ/kg-K)(kJ/kg-K)...
Density of saturated liquid25 °C,(g/cm3)1.207 Specific heat of liquid 25 °C,[KJ/(Kg• °C)]1.51 Solubility(water,25 °C)%0.15 ODP0 GWP0.29 Critical density,g/cm30.512 Vaporization heat under BP,KJ/Kg215 Quality IndexPurity%≥99.9 ...
Density of saturated liquid25 °C,(g/cm3):1.207 Solubility(water,25 °C)%:0.15 ODP:0 GWP:0.29 Critical density,g/cm3:0.512 Packaging & Delivery Packaging Details:Can of 220g.250g.280g.300g.340g.500g.800g.1000g; Disposable cylinder 30lb/13.6kgs,50lb/22.7kgs; Recycable cylinder 400L....
Density (kg/m3) Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Entropy (kJ/kg-K) Cp(kJ/kg-K) Ther. Con.(mW/m-K) Viscosity (uPa-s) Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor 250.00 0.11561 1367.9 5.9546 169.57 384.60 0.88413 1.7443 1.2865 0.80443 102.53 9.5551 363.25 9.8853 252.00...
Density 30° C(kg/m3) 1188.1 Critical Temperature (° C) 101.1 Critical Pressure (MPa) 4.06 ODP 0 GWP 1300 Quality Index Purity ≥ 99.90% Water content ≤ 0.001% Acidity ≤ 0.00001% Evaporation residue ≤ 0.01% Chloride content N/M Appearance Colorless and clear Odor Odorless...
Item name r134a gas cylinder. r134a refrigerant gas, Rl34a gas Packing 30LB/13.6KG Liquid density 1291.2kg/m2 Appearance colorless and transparent Critical temperature 112.2°C Critical pressure 41162KPa Boiling point (101.3KPa) -29.8°C purity 99.99% CAS No. 811-97-2 R134a gas R134a gasRel...
Critical density g/cm3 0.512 Vaporization heat at boiling point KJ/kg 215.0 Water solubility (25°C) W% 0.15 ODP 0 GWP 0.29 Quality Specification: Index Quality Performance Appearance Colorless & No turbid Purity %≥ 99.9% Moisture %≤ 0.001 Acidity (as HCl)%≤ 0.0001 Evaporation residue...