型号 R12 2RS 轴直径 19.05 mm 内径(d) 19.05 mm 内径公差 -0.01mm ~ 0 座孔 41.275 mm 外径(D) 41.275 mm 外径公差 -0.011mm ~ 0 宽度(B) 11.113 mm 宽度公差 -0.120mm ~ 0 套圈材料 GCr15轴承钢 钢球材料 GCr15轴承钢 保持器材料 300 系列不锈钢 动态载荷 (Cr)(磅) 2477 静态载荷 (Cor...
以上型号均备有少量 ,系列长期接单尤其6301-2RSC2 6203-2RS 6200-2RS 6205-2RS 比较明显 产品尺寸参数参考表 轴承型号Bearing Numbers 外型尺寸Boundary dimensions 额定负荷Load rating N 参考重量(闭式)Weight kg 内径 外径 宽度Width B 倒角 动负荷Cr 静负荷Cor ZPL Bearing Bearing d D 开式...
供应英制轴承 R12开式 EE6 19.05*41.275*7.938 R12-2RS R12ZZ KSK R12ZZ英制深沟球轴承KSK 77R12ZZ尺寸:19.05*41.275*11.112m 更多r12zz轴承图片 阿里巴巴1688为您优选873条r12zz轴承热销货源,包括r12zz轴承厂家,品牌,高清大图,论坛热帖。找,逛,买,挑r12zz轴承,品质爆款货源批发价,上1688r12zz轴承主题频道。
调心球轴承2205 2210 2215 2220 K SKF轴承FAG轴承NSK轴承bearing 上海捷科达轴承有限公司2年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 上海市 ¥30.00 日本进口NSK轴承 R39-4 R41-9 R33-12 汽车变速箱轴承 临清市潘庄镇梦想轴承销售部9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 山东 临清市 ...
Products Name Deep Groove Ball Bearing R156 R166 R3 R168 R188 R4 R6 R8 R10 R12 Size (d*D*W) See chart at bottom Precision P0,P6,P5,P4 Sealing Open,ZZ,RZ,RS,2RS Radial play C2,C0, C3 Material Bearing steel Feature Low noise, High quality,Long operating life Resistance to...
The speed limit of bearings depends on several factors, such as: bearing type, load size, tolerance class, cage configuration, work set, lubricant, lubrication and cooling conditions, etc. 3. The supported load 2 types of loads are supported by bearings: - Basic Dynamic Load This i...
The speed limit of bearings depends on several factors, such as: bearing type, load size, tolerance class, cage configuration, work set, lubricant, lubrication and cooling conditions, etc. 3. The supported load 2 types of loads are supported by bearings: - Basic Dynamic Load This is...
Products Name Deep Groove Ball Bearing R156 R166 R3 R168 R188 R4 R6 R8 R10 R12 Size (d*D*W) See chart at bottom Precision P0,P6,P5,P4 Sealing Open,ZZ,RZ,RS,2RS Radial play C2,C0, C3 Material Bearing steel Feature Low noise, High quality,Long operating...
2RS.2AP 订货号:3570209.0EMG Printed Circuit Board EVK2.12KEWILL 双内螺纹流量开关 FP55-015FDP008BSIRCAL 配件 MP2000 氧化铜管HAGGLUNDS 滤芯 4783233-621BRINKMANN 配件 Scheibenfeder kurz LagerstufeHYDAC 温度传感器 TFP104-000MTS 传感器 RHM0450MP051S1G8100HYDAC 滤芯 0030D003BN4HCKDESIGN 备件 ART...
Products NameDeep Groove Ball Bearing R156 R166 R3 R168 R188 R4 R6 R8 R10 R12 Size (d*D*W)See chart at bottom PrecisionP0,P6,P5,P4 SealingOpen,ZZ,RZ,RS,2RS Radial playC2,C0, C3 MaterialBearing steel FeatureLow noise, High quality,Long operating life ...