display bgp vpnv4 all update-peer-group [ index update-group-index ](仅S5731-H-K、S5731-H、S5731-S、S5731S-S、S6730-S、S6730S-S、S5731S-H、S5732-H、S5732-H-K、S6735-S、S6720-EI、S6720S-EI、S6730S-H、S6730-H-K和S6730-H支持) display bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance vpn-instanc...
This document describes the configuration of Ethernet services, including configuring MAC address table, link aggregation, VLANs, VLAN aggregation, MUX VLAN, VLAN termination, Voice VLAN, VLAN mapping, QinQ, GVRP, VCMP, STP/RSTP/MSTP, VBST, SEP, RRPP, ERPS, LBDT, and Layer 2 protocol transpare...
S200, S300, S500, S1700, S2700, S5700, and S6700 V200R021C10 Command Reference About This Document Using the Command Query Tool to Query Product Command Information Basic Configurations Commands Device Management Commands Interface Management Commands Ethernet Switching Configuration Commands IP Service...