S300, S500, S2700, S5700, S6700 V200R021C10 配置指南-可靠性 (可选)配置VRRP6的抢占模式 背景信息 在不稳定的网络中,可能存在VRRP6备份组监测的BFD等状态频繁振荡或Backup设备不能及时收到VRRP6通告报文的情况,导致VRRP6发生频繁切换而造成网络振荡。用户配置交换机在VRRP6备份组中的抢占方式以及抢占延时,以...
S300, S500, S2700, S5700, and S6700 V200R021C10 Configuration Guide - Reliability About This Document Overview of Reliability BFD Configuration VRRP Configuration Overview of VRRP Understanding VRRP Comparison Between VRRP6 and VRRP4 Summary of VRRP Configuration Tasks...
<HUAWEI> display tcp status TCPCB Tid/Soid Local Add:port Foreign Add:port VPNID State 0a5d560c 30 /1 14849 Listening # Display the status of the TCP connection originated from the local IP address and port 23. <HUAWEI> display tcp status local-ip 0.0...
S200, S300, S500, S1700, S2700, S5700, S6700 V200R021C10 命令参考 display remote-unit 命令功能 display remote-unit命令行用来查看远端模块的信息。 命令格式 display remote-unit[connect-interfaceinterface-typeinterface-number|nameremote-unit-name][verbose]...
S300, S500, S2700, S5700, and S6700 V200R021C10 Configuration Guide - Reliability About This Document Overview of Reliability BFD Configuration VRRP Configuration Overview of VRRP Understanding VRRP Comparison Between VRRP6 and VRRP4 Summary of VRRP Configuration Tasks...