This is a classic Motorola R-390A receiver. It covers 0.5 to 32 MHz in 32 bands with 1 kHz readout. This radio has working S and AF Meters plus easy to turn kHz knob and MHz knob. It features Collins PTO and filters. Comes in a table-top cabinet, or can be 19 inch rack mounte...
It may be old, butthe R-390Ais nothing to scoff at. It’s abilities include AM, code, and FSK operation from 500 kHz to 32 MHz. But it is a receiver with no way of transmitting on the same bands. This is where [Gregory’s] hack comes into play. He rerouted the variable-frequen...
'Nuf said. Bob - N3MBY Subject: Miltronix Chuck: Miltronix in Toledo, Ohio is owned by Rick Mish. He has rebuilt two R-390A's and one R-390 receiver for me, and he did a superb job. All of them were put back in like-new operating condition. In addition to solving any ...
熟悉LCD/TP、Memory(NAND/DDR)、音频元器件(Receiver/Speaker/PA)、摄像头模组等; 4.具备EMC整改经验;拥有量产经验及能力,对可靠性有足够的认识; 5.有无线射频产品开发经验的优先考虑,比如4G、WIFI/BLE、刷卡等,具有一定的射频电路设计经验; 6.有足够的动手能力,比如元器件焊接;熟练使用万用表、示波器、静电仪...
A method that implements low-speed playback of a recorded digital broadcast program in a digital broadcast receiver, comprising the steps of (a) decoding and outputting a received broadcast program consisting of MPEG-encoded I-, P-, and B-pictures, simultaneously recording the received broadcast ...