Variables in R Programming Basic Vectors in R Programming: Definition & Purpose 5:11 Built-In Functions in R Programming Next Lesson Using the Built-In Help Function in R Programming Practical Application for Programming in R: Using Built-In Functions in R Ch 3. Structures & Operations...
Function 的一个基本格式就是: functionname(arg1, arg2, ...) Arguments 就是你填在function那个括号中间的元素。 比如mean(c(2,5)): mean()就是对括号里的值取平均值的function,c(2,5)就是arguments 查看一个function的代码: 就只需要输入functionname,回车就可以看到了,如下图 设置默认值: 在写function...
6.2 Function fundamentals 6.2.1 Function components 6.2.2 Primitive functions 6.2.3 First-class functions 6.3 Function composition 6.4 Lexical scoping 6.4.1 Name masking 6.4.2 Functions versus variables 6.4.3 A fresh start 6.4.4 Dynamic lookup 6.5 Lazy evaluation 6.5.1 Promises 6.5.2 Default argu...
Backward stepwise selection using the AIC in Cox proportional hazards regression modeling identified 6 variables that were the most associated with survival: age, tumor size, multiple lesions, nodal status, vascular invasion, and presence of cirrhosis of the underlying liver 我看生存分析列线图的文章这...
# create the stored procedure objectsp_df_op <- StoredProcedure("train1","spTest1", id, out, filePath =".")# register the stored procedure with the databaseregisterStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, conStr)# execute the stored procedure, note: non-data frame variables inside the# return list ...
Error: At least one of the class levels is not a valid R variable name; This will cause errors when class probabilities are generated because the variables names will be converted to X0, X1 . Please use factor levels that can be used as valid R variable names (see ?make.names for ...
The return statement is required if you want the function to save as variables the result or results following the operations in the function body. For example, if you want to create a function that calculates the mean of two numbers: mean_two_numbers <- function(num_1, num_2) { mean...
4.变量重编码 Recoding Variables 重编码是指根据已有变量创建新变量的过程。 比如:将一个连续型变量变为一组类别值、将误编码的值替换为正确值、基于一组分数创建一个表示及格/不及格的变量 要重编码。可以使用R中的逻辑运算符,返回值为布尔类型 5.例子: ...
(table ="cleanData", connectionString = conStr) # A transformation function transformFunc <- function(data) { data$CRSDepHour <- as.integer(trunc(data$CRSDepTime)) return(data) } # The transformation variables transformVars <- c("CRSDepTime") rxDataStep(inData = dsSqls, outFile = ds...
register consistency registerer register of interpret register ring register variables registrability registrant registrar registry and admin ad registry of a merchan registry of political registry of societies regitrar regius royal regla regla menstruacion reglementpourlalibren regnant reigning regnenes reg...