Remote package archive files viainstall_url. Packages in subversion repositories viainstall_svn. They need a system subversion installation. Specific package versions from CRAN or other CRAN-like repositories viainstall_version. This includes outdated and archived packages as well. All dependencies of a...
install_version()from a specific version on CRAN update_packages()updates a package to the latest version. This works both on packages installed from CRAN as well as those installed from any of theinstall_*functions. Check and release:
versionofR;see>biocLite("clusterProfile")BioC_mirror: Using Bioconductor3.6(BiocInstaller1.28.0),R3.4.3(2017-11-30).Installingpackage(s)‘clusterProfile’ Old packages:'ade4','ape','backports','caret',...Update all/some/none?[a/s/n]:...
(可选)执行命令enrollment-request specific,配置向CA申请证书时,使用特定格式的证书请求消息。 缺省情况下,向CA申请证书时,使用标准格式的证书请求消息。 (可选)执行命令extension-request enterprise,配置证书注册请求消息携带的扩展请求属性使用Verisign公司定义的对象ID。
This is perhaps an esoteric approach to installing the RcppArmadillo package update but here goes. I routinely update my R packages in RStudio with the check for updates function. Every single time that the RcppArmadillo package appears in that list it fails to compile. I restart the session, ...
To update specific installed packages, say readr and ggplot2, use this: update.packages(oldPkgs = c("readr", "ggplot2")) Summary install.packages(“package_name”): Install a package library(“package_name”): Load and use a package detach(“package_name”, unload = TRUE): Unload a pa...
Version of the patch. Patch package name Name of the patch file. The state of the patch state file is Status of the patch file. The current state is Current status of the patch. Type Patch type. VRP: VRP patch for the SRU.
CRAN - Package RcppAnnoy 这里难度有点大,参考一下其他人的心得体会:FindNeighbors {Seurat} 该算法需要2步: 建立索引,搜索最近的点。 RcppAnnoy 包实现了这个过程。 不想看这个包的源码了,先放过。 //todo > RcppAnnoy::AnnoyEuclidean C++ class 'AnnoyEuclidean' <0x55d6b60e4000> Constructors: AnnoyEuclidea...
After you've authenticated, use the updateService() function in the mrsdeploy package to update a web service. See thepackage reference help page for updateService()for the full description of all arguments. FunctionResponseR Help updateService(...)Returns anAPI instanceclient stub...
you need to download SignalR, which has dependencies on SignalR.Server for the server-side part of the framework, and SignalR.Js for the Web-client part of the framework. The other packages you see inFigure 1serve more specific purposes such as providing a .NET client, a Ninject dependenc...