呀,终于等来了这一句:Pandoc’s Markdown 支持的功能,R Markdown 都支持,相比于 Pandoc’s Markdown,在 RStudio IDE 内使用 R Markdown 可以省去命令行操作,使用起来简便些,代价是根据需要适当学习一下 R 语言及 knitr、rmarkdown 和 bookdown 三个R包。 从Pandoc’s Markdown 到 R Markdown R Markdown...
Better documentation for R-universe! February 27, 2025 | rOpenSci - open tools for open science Since the initial launch in 2021, our R-universe platform has steadily grown into a comprehensive infrastructure for publishing and discovering R material. As functionality keeps evolving and community...
Usinguiucthemesoutside of RStudio Installpandocusing theinstructions for your platform. Install thermarkdownanduiucthemespackages: install.packages(c("rmarkdown","uiucthemes")) Use thermarkdown::draftfunction to create articles: rmarkdown::draft("slide_deck.Rmd",template="beamer_illinois",package...
本文概览R Markdown 站在 Markdown、Pandoc 和 R 等诸多巨人的肩膀上,支持动态文档写作,让文本、代码相互交织,插图、表格、文献、引用等动态生成。在网站简历、期刊书籍、报告演示
R Markdown Beamer Theme Based on sthlm, HSRM, and Metropolis themes livelaughriley/daRkStudio Darker RStudio Modern theme. S/O to reddit user u/LiesLies for the project name. gadenbuie/yule-rstudio ⛄️🎄🖥 A Holiday Theme for RStudio illinois-r/uiucthemes RMarkdown Templates for ...
在Rmarkdown中你也可以加入表情哦!不妨试试😎 参考资料 [1] xaringan包: github.com/yihui/xaring [2] JavaScript for R: book.javascript-for-r.com [3] xaringanthemer: github.com/gadenbuie/xa [4] 设置主题教程: pkg.garrickadenbuie.com [5] showtext: github.com/yixuan/showt [6]...
Rmarkdown内置主题 cerulean cosmo flatly journal lumen paper readable sandstone simplex spacelab united yeti prettydoc包中的主题 architect cayman hpstr leonids tactile rmdformats包中的主题 material readthedown html_clean html_docco 其他包 hrbrthemes ...
hrbrthemes 0.6.0 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hrbrthemes/index.html HSAUR 1.3-9 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/HSAUR/index.html htmlTable 1.11.2 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/htmlTable/index.html htmltools 0.3.6 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages...
[26] "formatR" "Formula" "gdata" "ggplot2" "ggthemes"[31] "gmodels" "gplots" "graphics" "grDevices" "grid"[36] "gtable" "gtools" "highr" "Hmisc" "httr"[41] "KernSmooth" "knitr" "labeling" "lattice" "latticeExtra"[46] "leaps" "lme4" "lmtest" "LSD" "manipulate"...
[2]Themes (statr.me):https://prettydoc.statr.me/themes.html [3]HTML Output Formats and Templates for rmarkdown Documents • rmdformats (juba.github.io):https://juba.github.io/rmdformats/