个人觉得在数据描述上summary函数已经不实用了,因此推荐如下的方法: >library(skimr) #调用skimr包>skim(dt) #看看数据的情况──Data Summary ────────────────────────ValuesNamedtNumberof rows 2231Numberof columns 9___Columntype ...
'data.frame':2obs. of3variables:$姓名: chr"张三""李四"$工号: chr"001""002"$月薪: num10002000 summary() 可以显示数据框的概要信息: table= data.frame( 姓名= c("张三","李四"), 工号= c("001","002"), 月薪= c(1000,2000) ) # 显示概要print(summary(table)) 执行以上代码输出结果为...
plot(x, y, col = "blue", pch = 20, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) 函数summary()可以得到matrix或者data frame的每一列的基本信息,包括最大值,最小值,中间值,25%和75%分位数,均值。 x <- matrix(rnorm(100*3), 100, 3) summary(x) 3.R语言编程结构 3.1 if-else语句 (1) 在R中,if...
an optional vector of the values (ascharacter strings) that x might have taken. Thedefaultisthe uniquesetof values taken byas.character(x), sorted into increasing order of x. Note thatthissetcan be specifiedassmaller than sort(unique(x)). labels either an optional character vector of labels...
summary(a.aov) 误差来源(方差来源)平方和(SS)自由度(df)均方(MS)F 组间(处理)SSTRk-1MSTR=SSTR/(k-1)MSTR/MSE 组内(误差)SSEn-kMSE=SSE/(n-k) 总计(合计)SSTn-1 当然仅仅证明有显著性差异,可能还不能满足我们的需求,所以需要测度方差分析的关系强度。
set of320 rules rulelength distribution (lhs + rhs):sizes 123456 748108 106456 Min. 1st Qu.MedianMean 3rd Qu.Max. 1.0003.0003.0003.4754.0006.000 summaryof quality measures: supportconfidencelift Min.:0.3000Min.:0.4000Min.:0.8163 1st Qu.:0.30001st Qu.:0.69171st Qu.:1.0000 ...
myymatrix <- matrix(vector, nrow=number_of_rows, ncol=number_of_column, byrow=logical_value, dimnames=list( char_vector_rownames, char_vector_colnames)) 1. 2. 3. 其中vector包含了矩阵的元素,nrow和ncol指行和列的维数, dimnames包含了可选的、以字符型向量表示的行名和列名。
The output of the colsums function illustrates the column sums of all variables in our data frame.Video, Further Resources & SummaryHave a look at the following video of my YouTube channel. In the video, I’m showing the R programming code of this article:...
14、线性模型Im(厂x, data=test)统计函数Max返回数据的最大值Min返回数据的最小值Which, max返回最大值的下标Which.min返回最小值的下标Mean求均值Media n求中位数rnad求离差Var求方差(总体方差)Sd求标准差Range返回【最小值,最大值】Quantile求分位数Summary返回五数:概括三均值Finenurn五数擬括(最值,上下...
research progress on research prospectus research purposes research ship of oppo research summary research the old fash research to electric research unit crime q research using existi researchdesign and r researchstudiesandpre research-based teachi researchers noted researchers recorded researches bout the...