Example 1: Sums of Columns Using dplyr Package In this Example, I’ll explain how to use the replace,is.na, summarise_all, andsumfunctions. data%>%# Compute column sumsreplace(is.na(.),0)%>%summarise_all(sum)# x1 x2 x3 x4# 1 15 7 35 15 ...
m <- rbind(1:3, 1:5) ## Warning in rbind(1:3, 1:5): number of columns of result is not amultiple ## of vector length (arg 1) m #虽警告但仍自动补齐了 ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] ## [1,] 1 2 3 1 2 ## [2,] 1 2 3 4 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
In order to group our data based on multiple columns, we have to specify all grouping columns within the group_by function:data_group <- data %>% # Group data group_by(gr1, gr2) %>% dplyr::summarize(gr_sum = sum(values)) %>% as.data.frame() data_group # Print grouped data...
Therfemapackage also returns data, where possible, in formats that are easier to work with. For example, all functions return data as a tibble with all date columns converted to POSIX format. This makes plotting time series easy as the API call can be piped directly into aggplotplot. For ...
df_unite(): Unite multiple columns into one. df_unite_factors(): Unite factor columns. First, order factors levels then merge them into one column. The output column is a factor. df_label_both(),df_label_value(): functions to label data frames rows by by one or multiple grouping varia...
Error in `[.data.frame`(df, c("XX")) : undefined columns selected 1. 2. 二是可以输入坐标(格式为[行坐标,列坐标])返回,返回结果仍为数据框,比如返回第2到第10行: > df[1:10, ] B_A id DV 1 A1 1 241.4539 2 A1 2 276.0513
unite(): combines multiple columns into a single column 代码语言:javascript 复制 library(tidyr)library(dplyr)DF<-data.frame(Group=rep(1:3,each=4),Year=rep(2006:2009,times=3),Qtr.1=rep(seq(14,20,2),3),Qtr.2=rep(seq(12,18,2),3),Qtr.3=rep(seq(16,22,2),3),Qtr.4=rep(seq...
1回答 如何在R中的for循环中使用() r、multiple-columns、tidyr 我有一个72列的大数据集,我想将每3列收集到一个新列中,从而最终得到24列。我可以在for循环中使用这个函数吗? 我试过这个:k=1for (i in 2:24){ neww <- 浏览0提问于2016-04-09得票数 0 ...
The number of columns and rows must be informed. At this point the experimental borders can be eliminated, in the example bellow the borders were removed in all the sides. Function to use is from FIELDimageR.Extra: fieldShape_render EX1.Shape<-fieldShape_render(mosaic = EX1,ncols = 14,...
# L2 normalize the columns (or rows) of a given matrix # L2标准化一个矩阵,按行或按列 # @param mat Matrix to cosine normalize #要进行 cosine 标准化的矩阵 # @param MARGIN Perform normalization over rows (1) or columns (2) #对行1、列2 进行标准化 # # @return returns l2-normalized ...