IEEE Spectrum发布的2021年度编程语言排行榜,从涵盖社交网站、开源代码网站和求职网站的8个信息源:CareerBuilder、GitHub、Google、Hacker News、IEEE、Reddit、Stack Overflow和Twitter,按照11个指标收集数据,最终得到了数十种编程语言流行度的整体排名,如图0.6所示。 图0.6 IEEE Spectrum 2021年度编程语言排行榜 2019年权威...
Training and Optimization: Familiarize yourself with backpropagation and different types of loss functions, like Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Cross-Entropy. Understand various optimization algorithms like Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, RMSprop, and Adam. ...
0.75 squaredcircle 0.75 bayarea 0.75 darksouls2 0.75 anormaldayinrussia 0.75 magictcg 0.75 orangecounty 0.75 personalfinance 0.75 fitgirls 0.75 stargate 0.75 vegancirclejerk 0.74 destiny2 0.74 mac 0.74 accounting 0.74 marriage 0.74 leopardsatemyface 0.74 australia 0.74 kaiserreic...
0.65 squaredcircle 0.64 dndnext 0.64 seattle 0.64 instagramreality 0.64 subnautica 0.64 rant 0.63 liberalgunowners 0.63 politics 0.63 suicidewatch 0.62 naruto 0.62 freekarma4u 0.62 danganronpa 0.62 running 0.61 oldschoolcool 0.61 tihi 0.61 stockmarket 0.61 softwaregore 0.61 fas...
0.50 squaredcircle 0.50 geopolitics 0.50 polls 0.50 orangecounty 0.50 conservative 0.50 nofeeac 0.50 hockey 0.49 kaiserreich 0.49 austria 0.49 everythingscience 0.49 lingling40hrs 0.49 eyeblech 0.49 catholicism 0.49 minneapolis 0.49 documentaries 0.49 stupidpol 0.48 rpclipsgta 0.48...
Type a subreddit name to list its overlaps with other subreddits. The scores listed are "probability multipliers", so a score of 2 means that users of r/discordapp are twice as likely to post and comment on that subreddit. A score of 1 means that users of r/discordapp are no more...
0.13 buildapc 0.11 games 0.11 hockey 0.11 amitheasshole 0.11 news 0.11 technology 0.11 squaredcircle 0.11 movies 0.11 anime 0.10 freekarma4u 0.10 genshin_impact 0.09 historymemes 0.09 nottheonion 0.09 leagueoflegends 0.07 worldnews 0.06 nfl 0.05 soccer 0.04 teenagers ...
1.04 squaredcircle 1.03 unitedstatesofindia 1.03 habs 1.03 gme_meltdown 1.02 choosingbeggars 1.02 sekiro 1.02 swgalaxyofheroes 1.02 rant 1.02 helluvaboss 1.01 aewofficial 1.01 fragilewhiteredditor 1.01 technicallythetruth 1.01 tnomod 1.00 ps5 1.00 adoptmetrading 0.99 skyrim 0.9...
4.23 squaredcircle 4.22 ufc 4.16 enough_sanders_spam 4.10 xboxseriesx 4.08 murderedbyaoc 4.08 nygiants 4.07 49ers 4.01 survivor 3.96 suns 3.93 psvr 3.92 stlouis 3.89 torontobluejays 3.89 sandersforpresident 3.80 hockey 3.80 plex 3.79 thesimpsons 3.76 yourmomshousepodcast 3....
0.22 squaredcircle 0.22 needysluts 0.22 justrolledintotheshop 0.22 slutwife 0.22 repsneakers 0.22 nyc 0.22 conspiracy 0.21 assassinscreed 0.21 soccer 0.21 softwaregore 0.21 bokunoheroacademia 0.20 wellthatsucks 0.20 chess 0.20 gtaonline 0.20 sports 0.20 formuladank 0.20 europe ...