vector – A collection of elements of same class 向量 matrix – All columns must uniformly contain only one variable type. 矩阵 所有列都包含同一种变量类型 data.frame – The columns can contain different classes. 每一列可以包含不同的类 list – Can hold objects of different classes and lengths...
Matrix 1.2-12 matrixcalc 1.0-3 MatrixModels 0.4-1 matrixStats 0.54.0
df:degree of freedom;anova:analysis of variance;//方差分析; AIC:Akaike information criterion,最小信息准则; RSS:'1.residual sum of squares表示一组统计量的残差平方和;' '2.root of sum of squares表示一组统计量平方和的开方值;' **这两种说法有一定的语境** sum of sq:偏回归平方和,注意平回归平...
六个核函数的介绍: Global Model(均值核函数)、Gaussian(高斯核函数)、Exponential、Box-car(盒状核函数)、Bi-square(二次核函数)、Tri-cude(立方体和函数) 二、 GWR软件操作 使用GWR软件得到结果,其具体操作如下, 1、在session file选择设置文件名,然后选择data file的filepath文件路径,选择CSV格式的数据,分隔类...
xlab="Square root of residual deviance", ylab="Leverage", main="Leverage versus residual deviance") mtext("Per-study mean per-datapoint contribution") x <- seq(from=0, to=3, by=0.05) for (c in 1:4) { lines(x, c - x^2) } ...
{ object <- as.matrix(x = object) scale.function <- FastRowScale } # (A7) 如果大于1个核 if (nbrOfWorkers() > 1) { # 分组,详见上文 回归 多线程部分 blocks <- ChunkPoints(dsize = length(x = features), csize = block.size) chunks <- expand.grid( names(x = split.cells), 1...
gwrgrid y x1, east(east) north(north) fam(b) link(l) square(10) samp(25) 结果为: . gwr cars class unemp, east(easting) north(northing)test Global Model Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 120 ---+--- F(2, 117) = 287.17 Model | 4.51965851 2 2.25982925 Prob > F = 0.0000 ...
Test of the hypothesis that 2 components are sufficient. The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is 0.05 Fit based upon off diagonal values = 0.99 #获取每个变量在主成份上的得分pc<-principal(USJudgeRatings[,-1],nfactors=1,score=TRUE)head(pc$scores) PC1AARONSON,L.H. -0.19ALEXANDER...
colnames – Retrieve or set the column names of a data frame or matrix. colSums – Compute the sum of each column of a numeric data frame, matrix or array. combn [combinat] – Generate all possible combinations of vector object. combine [dplyr] – Combine values. ...
Mean item complexity = 1.1Test of the hypothesis that 2 components are sufficient.The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is 0.05Fit based upon off diagonal values = 0.99 4. 获取主成分得分 利用principal()函数,获得每个调查对象在该主成分...