range(x): Range of elements of x: max(x)−min(x). sum(x): Sum of elements of x. prod(x): Product of elements of x. cumsum(x): Cumulative sum of elements of x. cumprod(x): Cumulative product of elements of x. pmin(x,y,z, …), pmax(x,y,z, …): Pick minimum and ...
⑦method="chi.square",卡方转化,在默认(defaultMARGIN=1)的情况下是数据除以行的和再除以列的和的平方根,卡方转化后的数据使用欧氏距离函数计算将得到卡方距离矩阵。 ⑧Wisconsin转化,这个是使用伴随的函数wisconsin(),将数据除以该列最大值再除以该行总和,是最大值标准化和总和标准化的结合。 ⑨method="standardiz...
可以看到,箭头已经与节点分开了。 可以使用circle()、square()、ellipsis()和rectangle()函数来设置不同类型的间隔 ggraph(g, layout = 'stress') + geom_edge_arc(aes(colour = corr), arrow = arrow(length = unit(4, 'mm')), start_cap = square(3, 'mm'), end_cap = circle(3, 'mm')) +...
gwrgrid y x1, east(east) north(north) fam(b) link(l) square(10) samp(25) 结果为: . gwr cars class unemp, east(easting) north(northing)test Global Model Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 120 ---+--- F(2, 117) = 287.17 Model | 4.51965851 2 2.25982925 Prob > F = 0.0000 ...
Duncan's new multiple range test for Sepal.Length Mean Square Error: 0.2650082 Species, means Sepal.Length std r Min Max setosa 5.006 0.3524897 50 4.3 5.8 versicolor 5.936 0.5161711 50 4.9 7.0 virginica 6.588 0.6358796 50 4.9 7.9 Alpha: 0.05 ; DF Error: 147 ...
range of integration range of reaction range of set value range of speed contro range of stage range of throughput range over cove inclu range pack range photomultiplier range science range shift lever range shuttle range to range unit range upon range of h range-hammer ranged first strike ranged...
其中x是数据框,FUN作为一个任意函数。如果指定了options,他们将被传递给FUN。可以插入的函数有mean()、sd()、var()、min()、max()、median()、length()、range()、quantile()。函数fivenum()可返回图基五数总括(最小值,下四分位数、中位数、上四分位数、最大值) ...
And this function is used to return the square of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient through the given data values. known_ys is a required argument. So this refers to an array or range of data values, which can be numbers or names, arrays, or cell references that contain ...