To sort multiple columns using vector names, simply add additional arguments to theorder()function call as before: # Sort by vector name [z] then [x]dataframe[ with(dataframe, order(z, x)), ] Similarly, to sort by multiple columns based on column index, add additional arguments toorder(...
find unique values, organize each column label, and any other sorting functions you need to help you better perform data manipulation on a multiple column dataframe. Learning to sort dataframe column values
R语言使用sort函数对日期向量数据进行排序、默认从小到大升序排序 # 对向量进行排序,默认采用升序排序方式 x <- c(3,5,2,8,6,9,7,4) print(sort(x)) print(sort(x,decreasing=T)) # 默认的降序参数设置为F,如果设置为T则采用降序排序 # 日期字符串向量 szDate <- c("2014-1-1","2014-3-1","...
2. Sort by dplyr PackageAlternatively, you can use the arrange() function from the dplyr package to sort the dataframe in R, to sort one column in ascending and another column in descending order, pass both columns comma separated to the arrange() function, and use desc() to arran...
R中sort数据的时候, 如果数据中存在字符串, R会将数据转化为character之后, 再对数据进行排序. 这种情况, 在使用reshape2的dcast之后, 对dcast的结果排序的时候, 会出现这种问题. 解决方法是将character列分离, 仅选择数字列进行排序. 如果存在字符和数字列混排的需求, 只能自己在顺序上做点功夫了....
我们来生成一组随机整数作为案例 输入 =RANDBETWEEN(1,100) 然后下拉到A1:A10 好了 我们复制→粘贴...
DataFrame operations Spark DataFrames support a number of functions to do structured data processing. Here are some basic examples. A complete list can be found in the API docs. Select rows and columns R Copy # Import SparkR package if this is a new notebook require(SparkR) # Create Dat...
You can use dplyr functions to run SQL queries on a DataFrame. For example, run the following code in a notebook cell to use dplyr::group_by and dployr::count to get counts by author from the DataFrame named jsonDF. Use dplyr::arrange and dplyr::desc to sort the result in descending...