Just reordering columns isn't the solution, because in future there will always be x and y with different number of columns. df=merge(x,y,by="FIRST")df<-data.frame(FIRST=df$FIRST,NAME1.x=df$NAME1.x,NAME1.y=df$NAME1.y,NAME2.x=df$NAME2.x,NAME2.y=df$NAME2.y,NAME3.x=df$N...
my_data contains 5 columns ordered as follow: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species But we want: the variable “Species” to be the first column (1) the variable “Petal.Width” to be the second column (2) It’s possible to reorder the column by position as follow:...
order(-z, b)), ] ## base R # convert to data.table, by reference setDT(dat) dat[order(-z, b)] ## data.table, base R like syntax setorder(dat, -z, b) ## data.table,
require(stats) (ii <- order(x <- c(1,1,3:1,1:4,3), y <- c(9,9:1), z <- c(2,1:9))) ## 6 5 2 1 7 4 10 8 3 9 rbind(x, y, z)[,ii] # shows the reordering (ties via 2nd & 3rd arg) ## Suppose we wanted descending order on y. ## A simple solution fo...
È possibile riordinare le colonne per visualizzarle in un altro ordine. Per riordinare le colonne: Nella pagina Dashboard operativi, fare clic su Visualizza e quindi su Riordina colonne. Selezionare il nome della colonna che si desidera riordinare e utilizzare le icone descritte di ...
311-add-labels-to-hierarchical-edge-bundling_files 313-basic-circle-packing-with-several-levels_files 314-custom-circle-packing-with-several-levels_files 315-hide-first-level-in-circle-packing_files 320-the-basis-of-bubble-plot_files 324-map-background-with-the-ggmap-library_cache 3...
First there are general settings for the clustering, e.g. whether do or show dendrograms, side of the dendrograms and size of the dendrograms. 聚类是热图可视化的关键特性。在ComplexHeatmap包中, 聚类有很高的灵活性. 你可以通过预定的方法来指定聚类方法如(e.g. “eulidean” or “pearson”), ...
to reorder the matrix that will allow for like geoms to be found closer to one another (note that today I learned from “R for Data Science” about the seriation package [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/seriation/index.html] that may make this matrix reordering task much easier)...
Very often, especially when plotting data, I need to reorder the levels of a factor because the default order is alphabetical. There must be many ways of reordering the levels; however, I always forget which package to look in. A direct way of reorderi..
It looks as if the sample names (header) in our data matrix are similar to the row names of our metadata file, but it’s hard to tell since they are not in the same order. We can do a quick check of the number of columns in the count data and the rows in the metadata and at...