modelsummary(models, output = "latex") modelsummary(models, output = "markdown") 如果要使用gt、kableExtra、flextable或huxtable等外部工具自定义表格的外观,可以键入: modelsummary(models, output = "gt") modelsummary(models, output = "kableExtra") modelsummary(models, output = "flextable") modelsu...
stargazer:beautiful LATEX, HTML and ASCII tables from R statistical output Package ‘stargazer’ 部分教育资源也是不错的入门指南和实例指引, Using the Stargazer package in R Using stargazer to report regression output and descriptive statistics in R stargazer函数的输出类型 stargazer()有三种输出格式,分别...
好了以下以MASS package里面的Boston数据为例(,介绍下这个包的运用。依然是新建rmd文件,heading 参见前前一篇。我们这回实施HTML输出。 --- title: "stargazer" output: html_document author: your name date: "Nov 17, 2018" --- ...
Because I could provide you the best services for your Data Analysis. Are you confused with statistical Techniques like z-test, t-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, Regression, Logistic Regression, Chi-Square, Correlation, Association, SEM, multilevel model, mediation and moderation etc. for your Data Analysis...
享受结果: 1型号2型号3(截获)** -1.821\ 20.556**18.875** (32.325) (0.542) *wt*46....
1 Simple Linear Regression Load the data set pressure from the datasets package in R. Perform a Simple Linear Regression on the two variables. Provide the regression equation, coefficients table, and anova table. Summarize your findings. What is the relationship between the t statistic for temper...
R语言基于Bagging分类的逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)、决策树、森林分析心脏病患者 R语言逻辑回归(Logistic回归)模型分类预测病人冠心病风险 R语言用局部加权回归(Lowess)对logistic逻辑回归诊断和残差分析R语言用主成分PCA、 逻辑回归、决策树、随机森林分析心脏病数据并高维可视化 ...
random number program random number table random occurrence random order random organization random organizational random pack random packet length random parameter random partition random path randompattern random placement random processing random read random rectangle random rehash random rehash method random ...
reglith regression analysis regression study regressive prediction regressive succession regular gas regularization method regular slope regular sweep regulate and control regulating regulatingeffect regulation regulation and contro regulation and contro regulation mechanism regulation role regulations regulations on th...
1 Simple Linear Regression Load the data set pressure from the datasets package in R. Perform a Simple Linear Regression on the two variables. Provide the regression equation, coefficients table, and anova table. Summarize your findings. What is the relationship between the t statistic for temperat...