library(psych),group,...) ThedoBypackage provides much of the functionality of SAS PROC SUMMARY. It defines the desired table using a model formula and a function. Here is a simple example. library(doBy)summaryBy(mpg+wt~cyl+vs,data=mtcars,FUN=function(x){c(m=mean(x)...
## ## Attaching package: 'ggplot2' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:psych': ## ## %+%, alpha qplot(guilt,residual,data=dissertation) We want our residuals to fall around 0, which is only happening for guilt ratings near the midpoint of the scale. This suggests that ...
示例\实例: data(acq1)data(acq2) #lets look at the Profile ICC between two aquaintance ratings of subjects' personality names(acq1) names(acq2)Profile.ICC(acq1, acq2) #We can get the descriptives for these using describe() from the 'psych' package describe(Profile.ICC(acq1, acq2))...
library(psych) #yes, yes sapply and dirty deeds...I like using packages describeBy(londontmp[, 2], londontmp$decade) ## ## Descriptive statistics by group ## group: 60s ## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis ...
Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice—Examining the R Package holland. Psych 2021, 3, 728-750. AMA Style Hartmann FG, Heine J-H, Ertl B. Concepts and Coefficients Based on John L. Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice—Examining the R Package ...