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《Exploratory Data Analysis with R》https://bookdown.org/rdpeng/exdata/,Roger D. Peng 《R Programming for Data Science》https://bookdown.org/rdpeng/rprogdatascience/,Roger D. Peng 《R 和 tidyverse 快速入门》 https://github.com/saghirb/Getting-Started-in-R,Saghir Bash...
对R来说,基本的参考书是The New S Language: A Programming Environment for Data Analysis and Graphics (Richard A. Becker, John M. Chambers and Allan R. Wilks )。对于1991年发布的 S (S version 3)可以参考Statistical Models in S (edited by John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie )。更多的...
《R Programming for Bioinformatics》 《software for data analysis programming with R》 如果你是初学者,不要去看上面两本书。如果你想进阶为专家级R用户,那你需要精读它们。前者讲解了R少为人知的一面,例如字符处理、正则表达和XML,还有报错处理以及与其它语言的交互。后者更是编写生产级代码的圣经指南。
You can save this reading for future reference. Feel free to download a PDF version of this reading below: Common problems encountered when visualizing in R.pdf PDF File Coding errors are an inevitable part of writing code—especially when you are first beginning to learn a new programming lang...
PDF File In programming, adata structureis a format for organizing and storing data. Data structures are important to understand because you will work with them frequently when you use R for data analysis. The most common data structures in the R programming language include: ...
图书标签: R 数据科学 数据分析 编程 统计 Programming R语言 统计学 R for Data Science 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 http://r4ds.had.co.nz/ R for Data Science 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 R for Data Science 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 ...
The R environment consists of *a data handling and storage facility,*operators for computations on arrays and matrices,*a collection of tools for data analysis*graphical capabilities for analysis and display, and*an efficient, and continuing developing programming algebra-like programming language which...
图书标签: R语言 R 数据分析 数据科学 编程 计算机技术 计算机 programming R语言入门与实践 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 本书精心策划了三个虚拟项目,将数据科学家必需的专业技能融合其中,教会读者如何将数据存储到计算机内存中,如何在必要的时候转换内存中的数据值,如何用R编写自己的程序并将其用于数据...
英语不错的可以直接看英文原版,比如说《R for Data Science》[8],英文原版有时候更容易理解,有的中文版直译后没有那种味道了,并且英文版知识更新速度更快。 2. 安装R和RStudio 可以从R官网[9]中下载和安装R软件,安装不复杂,要是实在不会,就网上百度一下,有很多教程。