经过周末一个半天的努力,终于把这次的Assignment3做出来,然后做完Quiz4,顺利结束R Programming这门课程。 对这门课的综合吐槽就是,Roger老师的github头像好帅,动态视频更帅,视频内容还算充足,但远远不足以应付assignment。Assignment设计一个比一个精巧,难度一个比一个大,没有足够的耐性以及一定的基础,还真的很难独自...
第三个任务是rankall函数,要求是不关心是哪个州,只要指定疾病和排名,就要返回一个数据框,里面存储着所有州该疾病该排名的医院名。 1rankall <- function (outcome, num ="best"){2data <- read.csv("outcome-of-care-measures.csv")34disease_list <- c("heart attack","heart failure","pneumonia")56i...
3. Find the indices of 3, 4 and 5(mod 11) to the base 2. 4. Supoose p is of the form p = 2n + 1, n > 1. Prove that 3 is a primitive root (mod p). 5. It is known that 3 is a primitive root (mod 17) by Problem 4. Find the indices of 3, 4 and 5(mod 17) ...
ProgrammingAssignment2:Coursera 上 R 编程的编程作业 2 存储库 开发技术 - 其它Ce**囚碟 上传3KB 文件格式 zip 介绍 第二个编程任务将要求您编写一个能够缓存潜在耗时计算的 R 函数。 例如,取数字向量的平均值通常是一种快速操作。 然而,对于一个很长的向量,计算均值可能需要很长时间,特别是如果它必须重复...
be in any programming language. It will not be evaluated for coding or style. quality. Its purpose is only to support your description. Part 2 (80%) — Advanced Fuzzing. So far we have used fuzzing to find crashes. Fuzzing can also be used for finding logical bugs. The idea is ...
Repository for R programs on how caching can be achived in R- R Programming on Coursera R ProgrammingAssignment1 Public Repository for R programs on Air Quality data for R Programming on Coursera R ProgrammingAssignment3 Public Repository for R programs on Hospital outcome data for R Pro...
This second programming assignment will require you to write an R function that is able to cache potentially time-consuming computations. For example, taking the mean of a numeric vector is typically a fast operation. However, for a very long vector, it may take too long to compute the mean...
R programming language is a useful tool for data scientists, analysts, and statisticians, especially those working in academic settings. R's ability to handle complex analyses such as machine learning, financial modeling, and more makes it a valuable asset for a wide range of data-related tasks...
R语言有两类书籍比较“坑”,一类是Programming类,一般都带programing字眼,但不绝对。这类书籍一般是计算机背景的人写的,关注的重点是编程(鞋代码和编程不是一码事),底层的运行机制之类的,比较难以捉摸,典型的例子是《The art of R programming》。还有一类是讲统计知识比较多,而且喜欢推公式。虽然有所裨益,但是会...
不过,虽然R语言的持续手热,伴随着越来越多的工程背景的人的加入,R语言开始向更多的领域发展。原来的少量的代码的面向过程的编码方式,会越来越难以维护海量代码的项目,所以必须有一种新的编程方式来代码原来的面向过程的编码思路,这种新的编程方式就是面向对象编程(Object Oriented Programming, OOP)。