七、交互式绘图展示(plotly) 在此之前,我们学习的绘图都是绘制静态图片。但有的时候,交互式的可视化展示将更有助于我们理解数据、分析数据。由于ggplot2包不支持交互式绘图,因此,我们在ggplot2的基础上学习一个新的package——plotly,它将帮助我们展示交互式的动态图表。 # 安装包 install.packages("plotly") 在已...
In the previous part of this article, I have shown you many differenttypes of plots. However, there are plenty of programming tricks for the modification of plots in general. In the following, you will find a list of tutorials that explain such general modifications of plots in R. ggplot2 ...
Plotly是个交互式可视化的第三方库,严格意义上讲,它不仅可以实现R语言的交互可视化,官网(Plotly is the collaboration platform for modern data science)还提供了Python,Excel,Matlab和Javascript的接口,因此我们可以很方便地在这些软件中调用Plotly,当然本文主要是从R的角度来学习Plotly的应用。 首先安装并运行包 >instal...
All of the axis properties are found here: https://plotly.com/r/axes/# tools:::Rd2ex(utils:::.getHelpFile(as.character(help(subplot))) ## ### Name: subplot ## ### Title: View multiple plots in a single view ## ### Aliases: subplot ## ## ### ** Examples ## ## ## ...
How to make interactive 3D mesh plots in R. New to Plotly? Plotly is a free and open-source graphing library for R. We recommend you read our Getting Started guide for the latest installation or upgrade instructions, then move on to our Plotly Fundamentals tutorials or dive straight in to...
grid.arrange(g2,arrangeGrob(g3,g4,g1,ncol=3),nrow=2) 参考资料 [1] 《R语言教程》——李东风 [2] R Graphical Representation – Multiple Plots in One Graph [3] http://lightonphiri.org/blog/r-graphical-representation-multiple-plots-in-one-graph...
remotes::install_github("plotly/plotly") Getting started If you useggplot2,ggplotly()converts your static plots to an interactive web-based version! library(plotly)g<-ggplot(faithful, aes(x=eruptions,y=waiting))+stat_density_2d(aes(fill=..level..),geom="polygon")+xlim(1,6)+ylim(40,10...