df=data.frame(date=as.Date(data4_1$日期),data4_1[,c(2,4,5,9)]) #将data4_1中的日期转化为日期格式并选择绘图变量 timePlot(df,pollutant = c('AQI','PM2.5','PM10','臭氧浓度'), #绘制折线图 smooth = T, #添加平滑曲线 key = F, #不绘制关键词 date.breaks = 12,xlab='月份',yla...
makePlot<-function(){ x<-1:10; y1 = x * x; y2 = 2 * y1 plot(x, y1, type = "b", pch = 19, col = "green", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") lines(x, y2, pch = 22, col = "darkgreen", type = "b", lty = 6) } makePlot() # Add a legend to the plot legend(1...
my_factor <- factor(mtcars$cyl) fun <- function(x) x^2 R语言使用plot函数可视化数据散点图,为可视化图像添加图例(legend)、自定义图例位置为顶部左侧(top left) plot(x, y, pch = 19) lines(-4:4, -4:4, lwd = 3, col = "red") lines(-4:1, 0:5, lwd = 3, col = "gr...
lines(back,col="RosyBrown",lty=3)#lty=3表示用点线连起来 legend函数,图例说明: 1 legend(12,400,c("forehead","forearm","back"),col=c("DarkTurquoise","DeepPink","RosyBrown"),text.col=c("DarkTurquoise","DeepPink","RosyBrown"),pch=c(15,16,17),lty=c(1,2,3))#12表示x轴坐标为12,400...
legend(): 在原有的图形上加图例。 frame() 与 plot.new(): 建立新的图形窗口。 heat.colors( )/ rainbow( )/ gray.colors( ): 作图颜色函数。 legend(x, y = NULL, legend, fill = NULL, col = par("col"), border = "black", lty, lwd, pch, ...
R语言plot函数显示图例 图例(legend)是数据可视化中常用的元素之一,它可以帮助读者理解图形中不同元素的含义。在R语言中,通过plot函数可以方便地添加图例。 plot函数简介 plot函数是R语言中用于绘制图形的基础函数,它可以根据数据集绘制多种类型的图形,如散点图、折线图、直方图等。
R语言plot函数可视化多条曲线(multiple line in the same plot)、使用bmp函数将可视化图像保存到指定目录的bmp格式文件中 使用文件名中的完整路径,将图形保存在当前工作目录之外的指定路径下。 # example - output graph to jpeg file bmp("E:\\R_Scripts\\jpeg_image.bmp") ...
Syntax of Legend function in R: legend(x, y = NULL, legend, fill = NULL, col = par(“col”),border = “black”, lty, lwd, pch) Example of Legend function in R: Let’s depict how to create legend in R with an example. Before that lets create basic scatter plot using plot() ...
plot()——绘制图像plot(<vecter_horizontal>, <vector_vertical>, pch=as.integer(<factors>),col,xlab,ylab)——用factors区分图像点的类型pch(圆的,三角,叉),col是颜色类别,xlab或者ylab对应横纵轴标题legend(<location="topright">,legend=<vector_labelname>,pch=1:3,cex=1,col)——图例,<location>是...
legend()添加图注 text()添加文字 color=ifelse(a1$gender=="male","blue","red")#返回向量 shape=ifelse(a1$gender=="male",19,21)#返回向量 plot(a$weight, a$height, type="b", main="weight vs height", xlab="weight(kg)", ylab="height(cm)", ...