The BITE-R is an evidence-based speech therapy device designed to help children and adolescents acquire an accurate production of the R sound by increasing tongue tension and awareness.
Ratiner Speech and Language Therapy Services - professionals educated in the study of human communication, its development and its disorders.
Ultrasound as visual feedback in speech therapy for /r/ with adults with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome Quarterly. 2008; 10 :4–12.Fawcett, S., Bacsfalvi, P., & Bernhardt, B.M. (2008). Ultrasound a visual feedback in speech therapy for /r/ with adults with Down Syndrome. Down ...
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HealthKit~Swift: Sample app for HealthKit Swift Added October 27, 2015 License: `other` Speak: AAC & Speech Therapy App Store Added April 6, 2015 License: [`mit`]() Fitness...
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After 24 hours, he became more alert, with coherent speech, but there was still mild disorientation. These symptoms resolved within the next 2 days. According to the authors, this was the first case of encephalopathy after iohexol ventriculography, with the onset of symptoms several hours ...
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